
  • 18 OCTOBER 2024
MIN 16º MÁX 22º

Are you thinking about buying an electric car but have a lot of doubts? Santogal will explain it to you

Artigo patrocinado por Santogal

Currently, there are many people who consider having an electric car, but end up putting the brakes on this idea due to the kilometres of doubts that still persist on the subject. Is this your case? Santogal's new service will allow you to clarify everything you need. And it's free. Accelerate and come on.

Are you thinking about buying an electric car but have a lot of doubts? Santogal will explain it to you
Notícias ao Minuto

11:59 - 13/05/24 por Notícias ao Minuto

Auto Santogal

The electric car segment has long ceased to be a future promise and has become a very present reality. The commitment to this type of vehicle is clear on the part of the main car brands, some of which have even discontinued the production of diesel-powered models, for example. But although electric cars are increasingly gaining ground against solutions dependent on fossil fuels, the truth is that there are still many doubts surrounding this market. And as a result of this lack of knowledge, some associated myths also arise that need to be dispelled.

Nowadays, when buying a vehicle, electric cars certainly come into the equation. But the uncertainties that exist - whether in relation to autonomy, charging, or batteries, and this is just by way of illustration - can end up putting potential buyers off this option, when, in fact, it was the one that made the most sense in their particular context. 

Well, to help make an informed choice, Santogal - whose experience in the area is more than well-established - has just launched a consulting service for electric mobility, based on a diagnosis of the customer's profile to assess their suitability for this car segment.

Within the scope of this pioneering service, advice is provided by consultants specialized in electric mobility, with more than a thousand hours of training, who will clarify all the doubts that may revolve around the electric car market, thus helping customers to understand whether their lifestyle and driving profile are in line with the characteristics of this type of vehicle and to what extent they can benefit from the range of advantages that they have to offer.

This is a completely free service that also includes a partnership with CME, which goes to the customer's home or company with the aim of assessing the possibility of installing Wall Boxes or chargers there. Basically, they study the best solution for each specific case, then presenting a turnkey budget, which includes assembly and more.

Customers who join this innovative service provided by Santogal can also enjoy access to any charging point in the country, as a result of the strategic partnerships also entered into with the electric mobility energy marketer (CEME), EVIO.

The electric mobility consulting service is available at any of the 109 Santogal Group stands in the Lisbon Metropolitan Area, as well as through the company's service channels - digital or telephone - six days a week. 

This new feature reinforces the strategic positioning of the largest car retail group in Greater Lisbon, joining the services of buying and selling cars - new and used; maintenance and assistance; roadside assistance; insurance mediation; financing contracting; reconditioning; advice on fleet management, among others.

It should also be noted that Santogal represents more than 30 brands and has sold a total of almost 21,700 electrified vehicles since 2017 to the present day.

In order to clarify doubts that will be common to the vast majority of people, Santogal has created a very useful list of questions and answers that we share below. If some questions still remain unanswered, customers can fill out an online form with their details and, subsequently, they will be contacted by electric mobility specialists under the new service made available by Santogal.

Questions and Answers

  •  What is the autonomy of an electric car?

Autonomy depends on the make and model, and can currently vary between 200 and 700 kms.

You should take into account your day-to-day needs, as it is not worth having a car with a lot of autonomy (more weight and more consumption) if you don't need it.

  •  How long does it take to charge an electric car?

There are slow and fast charging. The time always depends on the power of the filling station and the car. On motorways, there are fast charging stations that allow many kms to be charged (on average 80%) in a short time.

  •  What is the difference between the advertised autonomy and the real autonomy?

Electric cars indicate autonomy based on the type of driving and use. If you drive in the city, the autonomy is close to that advertised, but if you drive on the road and at high speed, the autonomy is considerably reduced, exactly as happens in a combustion car.

  • Can I charge an electric car at home? How much does it cost to install a wallbox and what is needed?

Yes you can, ideally if you have a garage or house with the possibility of installing a Wallbox. There are specialists in the market to advise you on the solution that best suits your needs. The price varies depending on what you need, the power, etc. We have a partnership with CME to help you in this situation.

  • Are all public charging stations universal?

Yes. In Portugal there is a Mobi.e system that allows the universal use of stations, regardless of the energy supplier you have contracted.

  • How do charging cards work or can I pay with a debit card?

There are charging cards that can be loaded with money via MB way, multibanco reference or associated credit card. The invoice can come in the name of whoever you want or your company. There are several cards on the market and all of them can be used at public charging stations.

  • How much does it cost on average to charge on the street?

Charging on the street is a little more expensive than at home, but always cheaper than fuel. Note that in electric cars the cost has several components and one of them may be the time that the car is connected to the charging station, even if it is already 100% charged. 

  • What is the average monthly difference, in euros, compared to a diesel or gasoline car?

It varies with the type of charging (home, street, fast or slow), but it is always cheaper than gasoline or diesel. 

It varies with the price of energy, which you can follow at 

  • What should I take into account when buying an electric car?

When buying an electric car, you should ensure the possibility of charging it easily at home, at work or checking the network around the areas where you drive. To find out if you can charge at home, contact us and we will send a specialist from our partner CME to help you.

  • Is the public charging station network sufficient?

It is estimated that by the end of 2024, there will be 10,000 charging stations in Portugal. Investment in this area has been happening and will certainly keep pace with the growth of electric vehicles.

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