
  • 16 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 21º MÁX 36º

Hundreds of activists march in Germany against Tesla factory

Hundreds of environmental activists are again marching in protest near the Tesla car factory in Gruenheide, on the outskirts of Berlin, the Efe agency reported.

Notícias ao Minuto

17:12 - 11/05/24 por Lusa

Auto Tesla

According to the same source, the organizers announced their intention to march the distance between the Fangschleuse train station and the only European electric car factory of the North American manufacturer Tesla, owned by billionaire Elon Musk.

During the protest, some protesters advanced between slogans like "Down with the shares, up with the protection of water!", with the police having deployed a large contingent to the site.

"We are sensitized", said a police spokesperson about the demonstration, quoted by Efe.

According to the authorities, access to the A10 motorway, in Freienbrink, was closed in both directions.

The police advised motorists to drive carefully in the area, while the situation during the night and in the morning was calm, said the spokesperson.

On Friday, there were clashes between protesters and police.

Several activists tried to enter the Tesla facilities, but were prevented by the police.

Tesla has been producing electric cars in Gruenheide since 2022 and has always rejected any accusations of environmental pollution.

Some of the activists who called for protests against Tesla today justified their actions due to the environmental hazards posed by the factory, but also extend their criticism to other car brands.

"This system does not care if it is Tesla, Volkswagen or Mercedes: car companies and their political supporters are responsible for selling our livelihoods", said Lucia Mende, spokesperson for the organization "Disrupt Tesla", at a press conference before the march.

This citizens' initiative in Gruenheide accuses Tesla and the Brandenburg state government of not paying enough attention to the interests of the region's inhabitants.

"They move forward, they do not listen to the sensibilities of the local population", said the initiative's spokesperson, Steffen Schorcht.

In turn, the alliance "Close the tap for Tesla" claims to see dangers to health and to local water reserves due to possible pollution caused by the factory.

"Tesla's luxury cars pollute and consume scarce drinking water worldwide", said its spokesperson, Karolina Drzewo, who criticized the fact that the expansion of the factory, including deforestation, is still being planned, despite the majority of citizens having voted against it in a poll in Gruenheide.

The alliance calls for the abandonment of "inefficient and climate-damaging private transport".

Tesla has been producing electric cars in Gruenheide since 2022. The company has always rejected the accusations, claiming that water consumption has decreased and is below the industry average.

Read Also: Police prevent protesters from invading Tesla factory in Germany (Portuguese version)

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