
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

Caught 'Fleximan', the man responsible for knocking down speed cameras in Italy

A man has caused headaches for police after he knocked down several speed cameras.

Caught 'Fleximan', the man responsible for knocking down speed cameras in Italy
Notícias ao Minuto

16:11 - 17/05/24 por Notícias ao Minuto

Auto Radares

Italian authorities believe they have identified the true identity of 'Fleximan', the name used by the Italian media to refer to the man who has been knocking down speed cameras on the country's roads.

The case is reported by the television network Rai News, revealing that he is a 42-year-old man, originally from Padua and with a criminal record, and that he is suspected of the crime of damage.

He will have starred in five different episodes in the province of Rovigo, this year, all of them with the same 'modus operandi': Through a precise cut at the base of the pole that supports the radar, it was knocked down and became inoperable.

The man will have been identified thanks to a video, subsequently leading to searches at his home, from where important assets were seized for the investigation.

"'Fleximan' is coming", read a pamphlet left by the man on the last radar knocked down. His actions have won, says Rai News, the support of drivers in the area, and even of some political figures, who accused the use of these radars of only aiming to replenish the coffers of local authorities.

Read Also: "Who warns you..." Where will the radars be in this second half of the month? (Portuguese version)

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