
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

Volkswagen suspends operations at three more factories in Brazil

Volkswagen has granted ten days of collective holidays, starting today, in three car factories in Brazil due to a shortage of parts, following the floods of recent weeks in the south of the country.

Volkswagen suspends operations at three more factories in Brazil
Notícias ao Minuto

21:09 - 20/05/24 por Lusa

Auto Volkswagen

The multinational indicated in a statement that the production of its three factories in the state of São Paulo will be paralyzed until June 3 due to the impact of the floods, which forced the shutdown of several factories of parts suppliers headquartered in the state of Rio Grande do Sul.

The three factories in São Paulo join the one in Gravataí, a municipality in the south of the state of Rio Grande do Sul, the most affected by the floods, which has been paralyzed since May 8 and still has no scheduled date to resume operations.

The measure suspended operations at Volkswagen factories in the cities of São Bernardo do Campo, Taubaté and São Carlos, while the factory in São José dos Pinhais, in the neighboring state of Paraná, continues to operate normally.

In these factories, which employ around 6,200 people, Volkswagen produces the Nivus, Virtus, Polo, Saveiro and Polo Track models, as well as the engines for all its cars in Brazil.

The severe floods that have hit the south of the country for two weeks have caused the death of at least 158 people and left around 2.3 million displaced, of whom 620,000 were forced to leave their homes.

Rio Grande do Sul, which borders Argentina and Uruguay, is the state most affected by the climate catastrophe, which left a trail of unprecedented destruction in this part of the country, affecting important cereal production areas and paralyzing hundreds of industries.

The economic damage caused by the climate disaster exceeds 18.84 billion reais (about 3.39 billion euros), according to preliminary estimates.

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