
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

Vila Real celebrates 10 years since the return of car racing to the city

The Vila Real International Circuit, which takes place between June 28 and 30, celebrates 10 years since the return of car races to the city and includes six races, two of them international and dedicated to historic cars.

Vila Real celebrates 10 years since the return of car racing to the city
Notícias ao Minuto

23:18 - 27/05/24 por Lusa

Auto Corridas

"In the last 10 years, we have managed to prove that the circuit could return and could be maintained. It is true that the poster changes every year, the reality of national and international motorsport also changes, but it is clear that the Circuito Internacional de Vila Real is a fingerprint of our municipality, of our city, it is a brand with potential that must be projected, supported and reinforced", said today, at a press conference, Rui Santos, mayor of Vila Real.

The return of car races to the circuit was an electoral promise by the socialist Rui Santos, when he first ran for the Vila Real City Council, in 2013, which was fulfilled in 2014.

The sports poster of the Auditiv Circuito Internacional e Vila Real includes six events, two of them international: the Trophée Legende, with classic pre-war (World War II) cars, and the Classic Endurance Racing 1 and 2, organised by Peter Auto.

In turn, the Associação Nacional de Pilotos de Automóveis Clássicos (ANPAC) organises the four national competitions scheduled for the city in Trás-os-Montes, such as the Portuguese 1300, Classics, Legends and Super Legends Speed Championships and wants to surpass the 116 drivers registered last year.

"This is our 'flagship' event, it is the event in which, sometimes, we have difficulties in getting all the drivers here. There is always a large number of drivers", said the vice-president of ANPAC, José Fafiães, who expects to reach 130 registered drivers.

In 2024, the National Speed Championship will not pass through the Vila Real circuit.

"We have two international events, the best spaces had to be given to these events, we are talking about some cars that can be worth one million to one and a half million euros. We offered excellent conditions to the National Speed Championship, we said that we were available to talk, they went another way. We will always be available to talk", said Rui Santos.

The mayor was confident that the poster, presented today, will attract many people to Vila Real.

"More relevant than the poster itself is the party", he stressed.

In addition to the sports events, Vila Real has also prepared an entertainment poster that includes concerts by "Os Quatro e Meia" and "Quinta do Bill".

The mayor said he had no doubt that the event would boost the local economy.

"Just see that our hotel capacity is full, our restaurants are full. [...] We are convinced that it is worth holding the Circuito Internacional de Vila Real", he justified.

Rui Santos also stressed that it is necessary to ensure that "it does not end again" and to guarantee "its sustainability, not doing crazy things and keeping our feet on the ground".

The circuit takes place on the city's streets and, at the moment, work is underway to assemble the metal safety barriers.

Jorge Almeida, from the Clube Automóvel de Vila Real (CAVR), said that during the three days of competition, around 400 people are involved in the organisation and safety of the circuit.

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