
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

Montenegro admits being at risk of missing target of investing 50% more in culture

The Prime Minister, Luís Montenegro, admitted today that the goal of investing 50% more than the previous Government in the area of culture is "very risky", but he guaranteed that he would take that risk and defended the need to "stimulate patronage".

Montenegro admits being at risk of missing target of investing 50% more in culture
Notícias ao Minuto

19:19 - 23/04/24 por Lusa

Cultura Montenegro

"We want to reach the end of the legislature and spend 50% more on culture than what was spent. It is very risky what I am assuming, it is what is in the Government's program, but I assume this risk", said Luís Montenegro.

The Prime Minister, who today inaugurated the first mural of the Murais da Liberdade project, in São João da Madeira, highlighted, however, that only the State's investment in the area of culture "is insufficient".

"We also aim to stimulate cultural patronage more, having rules that are more favorable to the possibility of those outside the State sphere who are willing to allocate part of their resources precisely to cultural activity", he noted.

Emphasizing that it is up to the Government "to put the potential that already exists in society at the service of everyone" and not "to impose anything on anyone", the Prime Minister assured that the Government intends to explore, in the coming years, culture as "an element of individual wealth, training, education and economic wealth of the country".

At the inauguration of the first of 14 murals, created within the scope of the 50th anniversary of April 25, Luís Montenegro said it was mandatory to remember how the country was oppressed and became free with the Carnation Revolution, but also mandatory to plan for the future.

"April 25 should not be seen from a merely contemplative perspective. It is important to look back, it is important to reflect, it is important to think. Culture is also that, reflection, pondering, thought, knowledge, research, design. But culture is then something else, which is creation, audacity, boldness, risk, projection. Culture and April 25 are intimately linked", he said.

Entitled "Lápis azul nunca mais", the mural inaugurated in the Parrinho neighborhood, in São João da Madeira, is part of the urban art itinerary "Murais de Liberdade", created by the Ruído project.

By the end of the year, 13 other Portuguese cities, on the mainland and islands, will have the history of April 25, 1974 told in murals that highlight themes and symbols related to freedom and democracy.

Leia Também: Montenegro promises "hypermaximum concentration" in governance (Portuguese version)

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