
  • 21 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 16º MÁX 24º

Personalities mourn death of "giant of contemporary literature"

Several personalities from the literary world, but also from the political world, Portuguese and foreign, reacted with regret to the death of the American writer Paul Auster, who died today at the age of 77, evoking the novelist as "a giant of contemporary literature".

Personalities mourn death of "giant of contemporary literature"
Notícias ao Minuto

12:20 - 01/05/24 por Lusa

Cultura paul auster

Portuguese writer João Tordo remembered Auster as the "most influential" writer of his "literary life between the ages of 15 and 25", writing, on his Facebook page, "an 'Austerian' paragraph", where he confesses that at "a certain point" he stopped reading his books, a reading he would later resume. Speaking of the impact that books such as "Moon Palace", "Music of Chance" or "Mr Vertigo" had on him, João Tordo considered Paul Auster "a unique and incredibly original writer". "What critics pointed out to him was precisely what made him such a fascinating author: being himself, with all the strengths and weaknesses of a human being. He was the last author who made me read until four in the morning by the light of a flashlight on a school day, and I am eternally grateful to him", he wrote, ending with a "Bon voyage, Mr. Auster". Portuguese writer Patricia Reis also recalled, on social media, the times she crossed paths with the writer, mentioning that her fondness for his books redoubled after she met him. "We had dinner in 2017, before a session at the Cascais International Festival. The interview I did with him was lively, with rhythm, because he was a good conversationalist. [...] He told me that he was happy, at 70, to have lived longer than his father. He told me that the solitude of writing is also a masochism. He told me that he learned - and continued to learn - a lot, the essentials, with his wife, Siri Husvedt. He told me that we, Portuguese, were lucky to know the value of poetry. I always liked his books. After meeting him, that fondness redoubled. When we lose another writer, the world gets worse", wrote Patrícia Reis. In Spain, the writer's death was mourned by the team of his publisher, Seix Barral, by the director of the Princess of Asturias Foundation, Teresa Sanjurjo, who expressed "deep sorrow" over the death of the American novelist who was awarded the institution's Literature Prize in 2006. The President of the Spanish Government, Pedro Sánchez, also noted the death of the man he called a "giant of contemporary literature", considering that his legacy will remain beyond his death. "Chance, solitude, destiny and human nature are the protagonists of a work full of characters with complex and nuanced lives, which he was able to movingly transfer to the cinema as well", wrote Sánchez on his social media account X. "A giant of contemporary literature has died, but his legacy remains", he added. The "The Booker Prizes" Foundation also expressed its sorrow over the writer's death. "It is with great sadness that we receive the news of the passing of Booker Prize nominee Paul Auster, whose work has touched readers and influenced writers the world over, and whose generosity was felt in many other quarters", wrote the organisation on its social media account X. American novelist Paul Auster, author of works such as "The New York Trilogy" and "City of Glass", died on Tuesday at the age of 77. Auster died at home in New York, from lung cancer.
Read Also: American writer Paul Auster dies at 77 (Portuguese version)

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