
  • 16 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 21º MÁX 36º

Lisbon City Council celebrates the 500th anniversary of the birth of Luís de Camões

The 500th anniversary of the birth of Luís de Camões will be celebrated by the Lisbon City Council, between May 5th and June 25th, with exhibitions, music, photography, themed routes and a plaque on the statue of the poet, it was announced today.

Lisbon City Council celebrates the 500th anniversary of the birth of Luís de Camões
Notícias ao Minuto

16:12 - 03/05/24 por Lusa

Cultura Espetáculos

In a note, the Lisbon local authority informs that it will mark the 500th anniversary of the birth of Luís de Camões, between May 5, World Portuguese Language Day, through June 10, Portugal Day, Camões Day and the Portuguese Communities Day, and until June 25, with "exhibitions, music, photography contests, thematic routes, workshops and the unveiling of a commemorative plaque on the statue of the poet".

"The strategy for culture in the municipality reinforces its position in the area of literature and books, with a commemorative program of the birth of Luís de Camões that includes 12 initiatives that seek to highlight the poet's connection to the geography, history, memory and identity of the city", reads the note.

At the start of the commemorations, the Paços do Concelho will host "an exhibition where several editions of 'Os Lusíadas' will be displayed, with emphasis on a copy of the work from 1898" and a bust of the poet.

The municipal libraries will open their doors to families with the organization of game workshops and the distribution of "Camonian raffles", with excerpts from Camões' lyrics.

Based on toponymy, architecture, urban art and Lisbon, the Municipal Photographic Archive launches the challenge to the imagination of contemporary Lisbon through a photography contest.

Among the various routes through the city promoted at the crossroads between Lisbon and the poet's life and work, the local authority highlights the itinerary 'Lisbon of Camões' (May 9, 16 and 23 and June 1), guided by Maria João Lopo de Carvalho, based on the novel 'Até que o amor me mate -- As mulheres de Camões', which "goes through the 16th century Lisbon and the discovery of new geographies that were the basis of 'Os Lusíadas'".

The concert for voice, piano, violin and percussion 'Do Amor e da Glória em Camões' (May 10), at the Paços do Concelho, will feature the participation of actress Natália Luiza and musicians Rui de Luna and Marcos Lázaro.

In the performing arts, the Marvila Library will open its doors on June 1 for the show 'A Cor do Limão', based on a poem by Camões and dedicated to promoting reading for children.

At the Camões Library, from June 6, the highlight will be the exhibition "Evocação do V Centenário do nascimento de Luís de Camões", composed of 38 posters on the most important aspects of the poet's life and work, in a research by Vasco Graça Moura, with production by the National Commission for the Commemorations of the Portuguese Discoveries.

In the same space, the conference 'Camões em Pessoa: a Epopeia por Escrever' (June 8), outlines the "permanent and indestructible connection" of the tutelary figure of the poet in the life of Fernando Pessoa.

In Praça Luís de Camões, on June 10, a plaque commemorating the 5th centenary of the birth will be unveiled at the base of the statue of the poet, and shortly after, at the Miradouro de Santa Catarina, in the shadow of the statue of Adamastor, a fado tribute to the poet will take place by the voice of Joana Almeida, accompanied by Pedro de Castro, Bernardo Saldanha and Francisco Gaspar, with the Tagus River as a backdrop.

The itinerary 'The Lisbon that Camões knew', on June 18 and 25, by Susana Araújo, concludes the commemorative program, in a tour of the city where he began writing "Os Lusíadas", between Praça Luís de Camões and Pátio do Tronco.

Regarding the commemorations, the councilor for Culture of the Lisbon local authority, Diogo Moura, quoted in the note, states that "Camões, more than honored, glorified the History and the Portuguese language".

"And since History and language are essential, long-lasting features of our identity and memory, and since we do not dispense with preserving and celebrating it, we could not let this date pass unnoticed", he adds.

LFS //


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