
  • 16 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 21º MÁX 36º

Open House takes the public to 74 Lisbon spaces today and Sunday

The Open House takes place today and Sunday in Lisbon with 74 spaces to visit, more than half of them for the first time, with more than 850 free visits spread throughout the Portuguese capital.

Open House takes the public to 74 Lisbon spaces today and Sunday
Notícias ao Minuto

06:53 - 11/05/24 por Lusa

País Arquitetura

The Convento dos Cardaes, in Rua de O Século, or the Apartamento Esquina Pombalina, in Largo do Corpo Santo, are some of the buildings that are part of the routes of this 13th edition of Open House dedicated to Lisbon's architecture, under the theme 'The Hybrids of Transitions'.

From different eras and typologies, the programme - with 48 new spaces - includes everything from a 30 square metre gatekeeper's house to the National Civil Engineering Laboratory, a complex that covers around 220 thousand square metres.

"Looking at the hybridity that reconciles what seems contradictory is understanding the complexity implied in transforming the city, whether through rupture, continuity or everything in between", underlined the curatorship, this year under the responsibility of Alexandre Marques Pereira and Sandra Marques Pereira, in a statement released by the organisation, under the responsibility of the Lisbon Architecture Triennale.

This year, Open House Lisboa presents more sensory tours and accessible activities, two tours led by children, integrated in the Junior Programme composed of readings and workshops.

In this programme for the youngest, two tours led by young people will be launched: the Ismaili Centre, today, between 10 am and 11:30 am, and the Escola do Castelo, on Sunday, between 11 am and 12:30 pm.

Accessible activities are also planned, including an urban route in Telheiras Sul, adapted for people with reduced mobility, a visit to the Palácio do Grilo, visits with interpretation for Portuguese Sign Language in the Bairro das Fonsecas and Calçada.

There will also be tactile tours for blind or partially sighted people who will be able to access a set of materials and three-dimensional models in the Torreão Nascente da Cordoaria Nacional, Atelier-Museu Júlio Pomar, Galeria da Avenida da Índia and Galeria Quadrum.

This year, Open House Lisboa involves 100 specialists and a team of over 250 volunteers on a weekend when the same event will also take place in the cities of Malaga, in Spain, and Rosario, in Argentina.

A concept created in 1992 by Victoria Thornton, the Open House Worldwide network today has almost 60 cities around the world, such as Porto, London, Maputo, Osaka, Thessaloniki, Zagreb or Buenos Aires.

In Lisbon, Open House has been held annually since 2012 in a co-organisation that brings together the Lisbon Architecture Triennale and the Equipment Management and Cultural Animation Company, proposing the "discovery of spaces of different natures that demonstrate the decisive role of architecture in people's lives and exemplify the value of built heritage", underlines the organisation.

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