
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

The Sanctuary of Christ the King turns 65 and celebrates the date with festivities

Celebration will take place from Friday to Sunday.

The Sanctuary of Christ the King turns 65 and celebrates the date with festivities
Notícias ao Minuto

23:46 - 16/05/24 por Lusa

Cultura Cristo Rei

The Sanctuary of Christ the King, located in the municipality of Almada, district of Setúbal, celebrates its 65th anniversary with festivities that will take place from Friday to Sunday.

On Friday there will be a solemn mass at 5 pm, presided over by D. Manuel Clemente, Patriarch Emeritus of Lisbon, in the Chapel of Nossa Senhora da Pa, followed by a conference at 6 pm in the Cardinal Cerejeira Hall, entitled "The reign of Christ - as it was sixty-five years ago, as it is today and tomorrow", culminating in a Moscatel de Honra, providing a moment of socializing and sharing among the participants.

A unique concert by the Coro Regina Coeli is scheduled for Saturday night and on Sunday the celebrations continue with a Mass at 11:30 am, where the Sanctuary will join the Pope's Worldwide Prayer Network, followed by a shared lunch.

At 3 pm the Caminho do Coração will be presented, a moment dedicated to reflection and spirituality.

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