
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

Camões honored with literary editions on the 500th anniversary of his birth

On the 500th anniversary of Luís de Camões, publishers will mark the date with special editions, such as a biography, an anthology organized by Frederico Lourenço, and a collection of works that Jorge de Sena dedicated to the author of "The Lusiads".

Camões honored with literary editions on the 500th anniversary of his birth
Notícias ao Minuto

11:30 - 18/05/24 por Lusa

Cultura Luís de Camões

Luís Vaz de Camões, who is believed to have been born in 1524 and died in 1580, is considered one of the greatest names in world literature, and his vast work still occupies a prominent place in the history of Portuguese culture.
The unique universe he created in his epic and lyrical texts has aroused interest and passion in readers and scholars over the centuries, as is the case of the writer, translator, and university professor Frederico Lourenço, who assumes himself to be one of the great readers of the poet. To pay homage to Luís de Camões on the fifth centenary of his birth, Quetzal will publish, on the 29th, a set of texts selected and annotated by Frederico Lourenço, entitled 'Camões. An Anthology'. This anthology offers the "most brilliant passages" of 'The Lusiads' and the 'Rhymes', with a commentary that is at the same time accessible, erudite, and bold, according to the synopsis. Author of the Camonian novel 'Pode um Desejo Imenso' and of academic studies on Camões, Frederico Lourenço dedicates himself here to exploring, with new elements, the old question of the classical presence in Camões' work, not failing to face the problem of how to read it in the light of contemporary mentalities. Another bet by the Bertrand group to mark the date, in this case by the Contraponto imprint, is the Biography of Luís de Camões, by the writer and researcher Isabel Rio Novo, to be published in June, which promises to reveal the man behind the myth. The result of five years of work, which forced the author to delve deeply into all the old and recent biographies, in the research of known sources and in the gathering of information that was scattered, as well as to make trips to Goa and Mozambique, this biography includes a huge number of footnotes, which contextualize and explain concepts of the time that have been lost or altered over time. The publisher Guerra e Paz chose to publish the 'Camões that Sena makes us proud of', in the words of the editor, Manuel Fonseca, who marks the ephemeris with the publication of several books by Jorge de Sena dedicated to Luís de Camões and his work. There are five books that will have the designation 'Camões-Sena, 500 years of Camões in the Heretical Vision of Jorge de Sena' as their seal, and that bring together, "in an unexpected symbiosis", the two writers. The first, 'The Thought of Camões', is only by Sena, who, in four brief essays, shows how a philosophical thought can be extracted from Camões' epic and lyrical poetry that makes the poet "a giant in his time". The second book, 'The Lusiads and the Heretical Vision', includes the full version of 'The Lusiads', preceded by a brief presentation of the ten cantos, made by Sena, and followed by an essay that rescues the Portuguese epic from parochial, patriotic, religious, or pietist visions. 'Babel and Zion', the third in this set of works, brings together Camões' redondilha, 'Sobre os rios que vão', to Sena's story, 'Super Flumina Babylonis', which fictionalizes Camões writing that poem. This same book - a hardcover edition, with the cover and part of the core in black paper, printed in silver - also includes Psalm 136 by David, which inspired the Camonian redondilha, as well as an essay by Sena on that redondilha. In addition to these three books, which were supported by the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Guerra e Paz will publish Camões' letters, in 'Letters and Poems', and, by Jorge de Sena, his 'Kingdom of Stupidity II', which included a chapter entitled 'Two Studies of Super-Camonicology Involving a Sensational Interview with Camões in Person'. Porto Editora plans to publish in Assírio & Alvim the 'Complete Theater' of Luís de Camões, the "less explored, but no less masterful facet of the great national poet", which will arrive in bookstores in the last quarter of the year. The edition is in charge of Sérgio Guimarães, who in this imprint has already been responsible for projects such as 'Pilgrimage', by Fernão Mendes Pinto, and 'Complete Works', by Francisco de Sá de Miranda. Last month, Editorial Presença reissued, in a revised and augmented edition, 'Camões and Other Contemporaries', a book of essays by Hélder Macedo that start from the premise "contemporaries are all those with whom we live", to reflect on the antiquity, or not, of Camões' work and the way in which it continues to be present in current authors. By the hand of one of the greatest Camonian specialists, this book, winner of the D. Diniz prize, illustrates the need to understand the author of 'The Lusiads' as one of the most necessary voices in Portuguese literature in the 21st century, highlights the publisher. For the youngest, Booksmile, an imprint of the Penguin Random House Portugal group, launched in February 'Camões, The Adventures and Misadventures of an Epic Poet', an introduction to the poet's life and work, aimed at children. The book has informative and curious texts about the main episodes in the life and work of Camões, by the Portuguese and Classical Studies teacher Sérgio Franclim, and illustrations by Bruno Ferreira. Imprensa Nacional, which has in its history editions of 'The Lusiads' and the Complete Lyrics, in addition to studies such as 'Camões and the Divine Proportion', by Vasco Graça Moura, announced in its plan for 2024 a new edition of 'The Lusiads' and also a volume dedicated to the writer in the children's and youth collection.
Read Also: Lisbon City Council celebrates 500 years since the birth of Luís de Camões (Portuguese version)

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