
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

Government announces "thorough review" of museums, monuments and palaces

The Minister of Culture, Dalila Rodrigues, announced today in Viseu "a thorough review" of the company Museums and Monuments of Portugal, which will now delegate "broad powers to the leaders" of each supervised entity, towards the autonomy that she considers essential.

Government announces "thorough review" of museums, monuments and palaces
Notícias ao Minuto

13:30 - 18/05/24 por Lusa

Cultura Governo

As "immediate changes to be introduced", in the context of this review announced by Dalila Rodrigues, are led by the constitution of the 38 national museums, monuments and palaces under the administration of Museus e Monumentos de Portugal (MMP) "in cost centers for greater efficiency" of their mission, with the respective directors being held responsible. The allocation of human resources recently hired by the central services to entities "in a situation of impoverishment", the limitation of MMP's structure to the departments of "Human and Financial Resources, Digital Competencies, and Spaces", the formation of teams, "from the outset in digital competencies", are also part of this set of immediate changes announced by the Minister of Culture. According to Dalila Rodrigues, "the identity of each museum, monument and palace will also be guaranteed through the redesignation of email addresses and the presence of the logos or identity marks of each one." These immediate changes in the area of heritage are accompanied by the revision of the "Basic Law of Cultural Heritage, 2001, with regard to the international circulation of movable cultural goods, as well as the Framework Law of Portuguese Museums, 2004." In January, the previous Government implemented a restructuring of the heritage area that extinguished the former Directorate-General of Cultural Heritage, giving rise to the public business entity Museus e Monumentos de Portugal and the public institute Cultural Heritage, and was accompanied by the extinction of the regional directorates of culture. For Dalila Rodrigues, this reform "was disastrous". The Minister of Culture also announced "free admission to the 38 Museums, Monuments and Palaces" managed by MMP, through 52 accesses of a "personal use 'app-voucher', within the context of the Government's program for Culture, around two axes: the reinforcement of artistic education and the guarantee of "access to culture for all, as a factor of inclusion and territorial cohesion." Dalila Rodrigues presented the essential lines of her policy in Viseu today, International Museum Day, in a speech at the Museu Nacional Grão Vasco, which she directed in the early 2000s.
Also Read: International Museum Day and Night with hundreds of activities today (Portuguese version)

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