
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

Mário Cláudio wins the 2023 Guerra Junqueiro Lusophone Literary Prize

The writer Mário Cláudio is one of the nine winners of the 2023 Guerra Junqueiro Lusophone Literary Prize, announced today in Porto by the organization, the Freixo de Espada à Cinta Municipal Council, in the district of Bragança.

Mário Cláudio wins the 2023 Guerra Junqueiro Lusophone Literary Prize
Notícias ao Minuto

21:43 - 18/05/24 por Lusa

Cultura Literatura

The Portuguese writer will receive the award at a ceremony on July 6 this year, in Freixo de Espada à Cinta, within the scope of the closing of the centenary ceremonies of the death of Guerra Junqueiro (1850-1923), revealed Avelina Ferraz, curator of the award, contacted by the Lusa agency.

Intended to distinguish writers from the nine members of the Portuguese Language Official Countries (PALOP), the award also included José Luís Mendonça (Angola), Cida Pedrosa (Brazil), Daniel Medina (Cape Verde), Odete Costa Semedo (Guinea-Bissau), Laureano Nsue Nguema Mibuy (Equatorial Guinea), Paulina Chiziane (Mozambique), Inocência Mata (São Tomé and Príncipe) and José Ramos Horta (Timor-Leste).

The award aims to be "an instrument of discussion for the deepening of intercultural relations between the various Lusophone territories and peoples, weaving a network of neurons linked by a common language", stressed the curator Avelina Ferraz to Lusa.

"The objective is to be an integrating element, which helps to strengthen cultural ties, promote cooperation between Portuguese-speaking countries and peoples, translation of works, exchange of knowledge and experiences, contributing to the preservation and appreciation of the Lusophone identity", she added.

According to Avelina Ferraz, at the ceremony announcing the 2023 laureates, which took place today in the district of Porto, the 2022 award - previously announced - was given to the São Tomé writer Conceição Lima, who is in Portugal.

Promoted within the scope of the Freixo International Literature Festival (FFIL), the Guerra Junqueiro Literary Award has been held since 2017 in Freixo de Espada à Cinta, the birthplace of Guerra Junqueiro (1850-1923), and the host town of the award, in Portugal.

The Guerra Junqueiro Literary Award was extended in 2020 to the Lusophone world, with the Guerra Junqueiro Lusophone Literary Award.

The first edition of the Guerra Junqueiro Literary Award distinguished Manuel Alegre (2017), followed by Nuno Júdice, in 2018, José Jorge Letria, in 2019, Ana Luísa Amaral, in 2020. In 2021, in Portugal, the award was given to Hélia Correia.

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