
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

Serralves em Festa welcomes Tangerine Dream and África Negra

The Serralves em Festa festival in Porto is back between May 31 and June 2, promising 50 consecutive hours of cultural programming with the participation of artists such as Tangerine Dream, Agnès Geoffray and África Negra, it was announced today.

Serralves em Festa welcomes Tangerine Dream and África Negra
Notícias ao Minuto

18:17 - 21/05/24 por Lusa

Cultura Serralves

The doors to the city of Porto's event will open on May 31, at 6 pm, but on Thursday, the cities of Porto, Vila Nova de Gaia and Maia will transform into an extension of Serralves, hosting several shows that will serve as a warm-up for the festival that will take place until June 2.

Among the events that will take place outdoors, the coordinator of the Serralves Foundation's Performing Arts Service, Cristina Grande, highlighted the performance 'Les Taupes' ('The Moles'), by Philippe Quesne, which, on the 30th, will go from the Parada dos Clérigos to Praça Carlos Alberto, repeating on the 1st and 2nd at Serralves.

In the area of contemporary circus, Cristina Grande also highlighted 'Sol Bemol', by D'Irque & Fien (May 31 and June 1) and 'A Journey', by the Gandini Juggling company (June 1 and 2), a world-renowned juggling company, which presents a journey through its repertoire with pasta, large balls and illuminated juggling props.

Frenchwoman Agnès Geoffray presents 'Fleau', in which "four artists transcend time through the mesmerizing sound of whips, transforming their intrinsic violence into a dance rhythm with beats that resemble a trance".

In music, this year's edition includes about 50 concerts by artists from various styles and geographies such as the Germans Tangerine Dream (May 31), a pioneering band in the crossover of rock and electronica, and África Negra (June 1), a cult band from São Tomé, with interdisciplinary crossovers such as the one that brings together percussionist João Pais Filipe and choreographer and dancer Marco da Silva Ferreira.

In electronics, Pedro Rocha, responsible for the programming in this area, highlighted the presence of DJ Tobzy and Kabeaushé.

Among dozens of other initiatives, there are also performances by Glockenwise from Barcelos, with Ana Deus, the presentation of the show 'O Estado do Mundo', by the Formiga Atómica company, the concert by João Não and Lil Noon or the performance by the Escola do Rock de Paredes de Coura with the Academia de Música de Castelo de Paiva.

Designed for all audiences, the festival also proposes a set of activities aimed at children, from workshops, guided tours, theater, and even a traveling library that will be open throughout the day, said Inês Pina from the Educational Service.

Celebrating 20 years after the first edition, Serralves em Festa presents, in 2024, a program that includes the participation of artists from more than 20 nationalities, from the areas of music, dance, performance, contemporary circus, theater, cinema and photography.

Leia Também: Fundação de Serralves recebe doação do arquivo de Julião Sarmento (Portuguese version)

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