
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

Lisbon is the eighth best city in Europe for culture

Lisbon has been named the eighth best city for culture in Europe, according to a new study.

Lisbon is the eighth best city in Europe for culture
Notícias ao Minuto

09:22 - 23/05/24 por Notícias ao Minuto

Cultura Lisboa

Lisbon has been ranked the eighth best European city for culture in a study, coming top on the continent for the number of cultural and artistic points of interest and literary venues per 100,000 inhabitants. Global luggage storage provider Stasher analysed data on cultural venues in 131 European cities with populations of more than 325,000. Information was gathered on eight different types of cultural venues, including cultural and artistic points of interest; live music venues; film and media venues; literary venues; comedy and entertainment venues; dance studios; parks and recreational spaces; and music and audio retail venues. Each city was then ranked based on the number of venues per 100,000 inhabitants in each category and given a score out of 100. Lisbon was revealed as the eighth most cultural city in Europe, with a score of 65.13. The Portuguese capital is one of the best cities on the continent to visit for cultural and artistic points of interest. There are 56 such venues per 100,000 people in Lisbon, the third highest number in Europe, behind only Helsinki and Amsterdam. It is also a great destination for literary venues, with an average of 95 per 100,000 inhabitants, the sixth highest in the study. According to the study, Paris is the best European city for culture, with a score of 77.14 out of 100. The city was ranked top of the study thanks to having the highest number of parks and recreational spaces per 100,000 inhabitants in Europe. The French capital has some 1,238 such spaces, or 57 per 100,000 people. The French capital also ranked among the top cities for the number of live music venues, film and media venues, and cultural and artistic points of interest. The city also scored highly for dance studios (97 per 100,000 inhabitants). Barcelona came in behind Paris, taking the second spot on the list of Europe’s most cultural cities, with a score of 74.89. The Catalan capital is the top city in Europe for comedy and entertainment venues, with an average of 41 such venues per 100,000 inhabitants (679 in total). Parks and recreational spaces are also incredibly popular in the city, with 46 per 100,000 inhabitants, second only to Paris. Barcelona also ranks highly for the number of literary venues, film and media venues, and cultural and artistic points of interest. Amsterdam is the third most cultural city in Europe, according to the study. With a score of 74.74, Amsterdam ranked highly for culture thanks to having the highest number of live music venues, with 1,538 per 100,000 inhabitants. Only Helsinki has a higher rate of cultural and artistic points of interest in Europe, with Amsterdam home to 94 such venues per 100,000 people. The Dutch city also has a lot of dance studios, with 66 per 100,000, the fourth highest number in Europe. Milan has been ranked as the best city in Italy for culture and the fourth most cultural city in Europe, with a score of 66.11 out of 100. The city ranked above Rome in every category, with the capital coming in 49th place overall. Milan ranked among the top eight cities in three factors, including film and media venues, comedy and entertainment venues, and parks and recreational spaces. Milan has 29 film and media venues and 20 comedy and entertainment venues per 100,000 inhabitants. Budapest rounds out the top five best cities in Europe for culture. The Hungarian capital scored 66.04 in the study, ranking as the best city for literary venues and music and audio retail venues. The city has more than double the number of music and audio retail venues than any other location in the rankings, with 11,869 (or 681 per 100,000 inhabitants). For every 100,000 people in the city, there are 207 literary venues, 70 more than any other city in the study. Zurich takes sixth place in the study of the best European cities for culture. With a score of 65.92, the Swiss city is the least populous destination in the top 10. Parks and recreational spaces, cultural and artistic points of interest, and dance studios are all common in the city, with 29, 44 and 40 venues per 100,000 respectively. Zurich has a higher rate of parks and recreational spaces than any other city in Europe except Paris, Barcelona and Lyon. Only four cities have a higher number of cultural and artistic points of interest per 100,000 inhabitants. Lyon is the second best city for culture in France and the seventh in Europe. With a high score of 65.28, only Paris has a higher rate of cultural venues in the country. Lyon ranked higher than many European cities thanks to its impressive 101 dance studios per 100,000 inhabitants, more than any other city in the study. The French city is also the third best for parks and recreational spaces, with a total of 41 per 100,000 inhabitants, behind only Paris and Barcelona. Warsaw is the best city in Poland for culture and the ninth in Europe. The Polish capital was given a score of 64.64, with the city excelling for the number of film and media venues and music and audio retail venues. In fact, Warsaw is the best city in Europe for those interested in exploring film and media venues, with 118 such venues per 100,000 inhabitants, more than double the number of any other city in the study. The city came second for music and audio retail venues (288) and fourth for literary venues (110) per 100,000 inhabitants. Finally, Krakow rounds out the top 10 best cities for culture in Europe. Second only to Warsaw in Poland, with a score of 63.81, Krakow also ranked highly for film and media venues, music and audio retail venues, and literary venues, with 43, 204 and 92 respectively per 100,000 inhabitants. The city has 327 cinemas and 1,544 music stores.
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