
  • 02 JULHO 2024
MIN 19º MÁX 31º

Zigurfest Festival returns in July to Lamego "freer than ever"

The Zigurfest music and art festival returns to Lamego, in the Viseu district, between July 24th and 27th, the organization announced today, promising an edition "freer than ever".

Zigurfest Festival returns in July to Lamego "freer than ever"
Notícias ao Minuto

14:39 - 27/05/24 por Lusa

Cultura Música

With a poster featuring names like bbb hairdryer, Cíntia & Rezmorah, O Triunfo dos Acéfalos, Marquise or Riça, the program was designed to "reinforce the close relationship with its vast territory", namely "its people, knowledge, inheritances and heritages", through creative and research residencies involving the local community.

It will be a 13th edition "free as ever, resistant as always and emotional as only it knows how to be", promised the Zigurfest organization, in a statement.

"From hip-hop to rock, from experimental music to catchy [choruses], sometimes risky, sometimes mellow, freedom, diversity and the complete absence of corsets" are celebrated at the festival promoted by the Zigur association, with partners such as the Portas Prá Vida Association "and the creativity of its users" and Rádio Clube de Lamego "and its vast auditorium".

Also joining this edition is the LGP Movimento school, which will allow for the interpretation in Portuguese sign language of the Riça concert and other moments of the festival.

Quoted in the statement, António Silva, from Zigur, believes that "art that takes shape as a direct reaction to everyday life makes more sense than ever".

Zigurfest intends that it will be "at the epicenter of all these emotions and places in their multitudes that this edition takes place", adds António Silva.

Among the programming for this year, highlights include the residencies of Maria R Soares with the local community, Tiago Sousa with the Choir of the Santa Casa da Misericórdia, Bá Álvares and Eloísa Micaelo with the Portas Prá Vida Association and Ruca Bourbon with the Desportiva de Avões Association.

The festival, which is divided among locations such as the Bairro da Ponte, Horto do Castelo, Alameda, Centro Cívico, Olaria or the Museum, will feature performances this year by ladoazul, João Grilo + Suzana, Cat Soup, Moira, Riça, bbb hairdryer, Marquise, DJ Lynce, Garoa, Cíntia & Rezmorah, Monch Monch, Papié Maché, O Triunfo dos Acéfalos, Zancudo Berraco, Yaw Tembe + Norberto Lobo and Ilusão Gótica.

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