
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

Over 80 million euros for the culture action plan in the North

The plan for the NORTH 2030 culture proposes the creation of the Northern Routes seal and regional networks of archaeology centres, creation centres and territorial identity museums, with an investment of over 80 million euros.

Over 80 million euros for the culture action plan in the North
Notícias ao Minuto

09:07 - 28/05/24 por Lusa

Cultura Cultura

"We have a reference value [80 million euros], but the financial possibilities go beyond what the reference budget is because there are other options that do not depend exclusively on this action plan or the financing lines of this action plan," said Jorge Sobrado, vice-president of the Commission for Coordination and Regional Development of the North (CCDR-N) with responsibilities in the area of Culture and Heritage.
According to that official, this value can reach 100 million euros when added, for example, incentives for the acquisition of technology and equipment or hiring qualified resources, made available through other lines of the operational program North 2030. Presented on Monday at the meeting of the Strategic Council for Culture, the document aims to respond to the needs and structural problems of the region in the areas of heritage, cultural services and equipment, and creativity, through the identification and definition of priority and financing opportunity. The preliminary version, which Lusa had access to, proposes the definition of three programs, the "NORTE PATRIMONIAL" - for actions subordinate to the safeguarding, management and enhancement of Cultural Heritage, material and immaterial; the "NORTE CULTURAL" to support the development of regional networks of cultural equipment and services; the "NORTE CRIATIVO" oriented towards interventions linked to the structuring of creation centers, the development of the Cinema and Audiovisual sector, the promotion of Contemporary Art and Architecture and internationalization. In this context, the document - which classifies as "ambitious" - identifies five priority and structuring actions, whose implementation is important to ensure in the 2030 programming cycle, and where the creation of Cultural Routes is included as an "asset" of the cultural development of the territories themselves, but also of tourism, explained Jorge Sobrado. The institution of the "Rotas do Norte" seal - the joint responsibility of CCDR-N and the Regional Tourism Entity of Porto and North - aims to "point out, confirm and prioritize cultural assets, material and immaterial, whose framework and relevance justify the adherence to the cultural tourism routes to be developed in the North Region", can be read in the plan. The Regional Network of Archaeological Poles is another strategic objective of this plan that aims to create a set of services capable of receiving, treating, investigating and digitizing private archaeological collections that have not been the subject of study or enhancement. The Culture Unit of CCDR-N also proposes the creation of a Regional Network of Creation Centers "technically prepared and equipped", where artistic structures can, in medium and/or long-term residencies or on a permanent basis, have a space for creation, detailed Jorge Sobrado. The document also points out as strategic the institution of a Regional Network of Museums of Territorial Identity, capable of reversing the idea that this type of structure is "the son of a lesser god of museology". "Territorial museums are very important from the point of view of what local cultural identities are, and what is the relationship between concrete people and their history and the place where they are. On the other hand, they are the most precious resources from the point of view of tourism," he said. It also defines as a priority the investment in Cinema and Audiovisual, through support for production, technological capacity building and internationalization of internationalization of producers and creators, as well as microstructures of "film crafts" with tradition in the territory. With a time horizon that may extend a little beyond 2030, the Regional Action Plan for Culture does not, stresses Jorge Sobrado, have the ambition of "solving the cultural asymmetries of the region with a magic wand", intending to assume itself as a step in this path, identifying the investment options with the greatest impact on solving structural problems of the cultural heritage and the creative ecosystem of the region.
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