
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

Quatro e Meia, D.A.M.A and Dino D'Santiago at the Coimbra City Festival

The Coimbra City Festivities, which will take place between July 4th and 14th, will feature performances by names like Os Quatro e Meia, the group D.A.M.A and Dino D'Santiago, it was announced today.

Quatro e Meia, D.A.M.A and Dino D'Santiago at the Coimbra City Festival
Notícias ao Minuto

16:12 - 28/05/24 por Lusa

Cultura Coimbra

In this year's edition, in addition to the Jardim da Sereia, concerts are scheduled for the Parque Verde, Sé Nova and the stage of the Feira Popular de Coimbra, all with free admission.

The program includes Tiago Bettencourt, who will perform with the Orquestra Clássica do Centro (on July 4th), Kátia Guerreiro (05) and Dino D´Santiago (06), all at the Jardim da Sereia, D.A.M.A (12) and Os Quatro e Meia (13), at the Parque Verde, Tiago Silva (07), Não Há 2 Sem 3 (08), Remember (09) and Ús Sai de Gatas (10), on the stage of the Feira Popular.

The Serenata dos Antigos Estudantes da Universidade de Coimbra will hold its 10th edition on July 6th, at the Sé Nova, bringing together four fado groups, in a moment that pays homage to the 50th anniversary of April 25th and to the fado of Coimbra, said today, at the presentation of the program, the fado singer João Farinha, who spoke on behalf of Fado ao Centro.

The Festas da Cidade promote a pyromusical show, at midnight from July 3rd to 4th, and a pyrotechnic show, on the 11th, in addition to bringing together multiple cultural and sporting events, festive lighting, official ceremonies of the Day of the City of Coimbra, which is celebrated on July 4th, and a street music festival, among others, in a program that includes 177 initiatives.

According to the vice-president of the Coimbra City Council, Francisco Veiga, the amount invested by the municipality in this event is 270 thousand euros, for the artists' fees and for the production, in addition to 28 thousand euros for the fireworks and 30 thousand for the lighting.

The feast of Queen Saint Isabel, which makes up the religious aspect of the event, takes place between July 1st and 14th, contemplating, in the Church of Queen Saint Isabel, the preaching of the preparatory triduum (days 01, 02 and 03) and the mass of the royal order of Saint Isabel, with the presence of the Dukes of Bragança (04), while in the Church of Santa Cruz the celebration of masses takes place (12, 13 and 14), among other activities.

"The 2024 festivities are the normal ones for an even year, with the liturgical celebrations and the processions", with the addition of the commemorations of the 400th anniversary of the canonization of Queen Saint Isabel, as well as the celebration of the 700th anniversary of the pilgrimage of Queen Saint Isabel to Santiago de Compostela, dates that will be marked throughout the year, and until 2025, with various activities, revealed today the president of the administrative board of the Confraternity of Queen Saint Isabel, Joaquim Costa e Nora.

The Penitence Procession will be on the 11th (date on which there will also be a fireworks show), while the procession is scheduled for the 14th.

The vice-president of the Union of Parishes of Coimbra, Carlos Pinto, who was also present at today's presentation, revealed that, between July 3rd and 7th, O Terreiro da Erva will host the Madeira Festival, a gastronomic activity, inserted in the Festas da Cidade, where it will be possible to find typical Madeiran dishes, such as espetada, bolo do caco, grilled limpets and poncha.

The mayor of Coimbra, José Manuel Silva, considered, on the other hand, that it is "very important to bring together the religious and secular festivities", which celebrate Coimbra and its patron saint.

It is a "diversified, eclectic and rich program, of enormous quality", which provides "days of great satisfaction" and possibilities to attend multiple shows, said the mayor.

In this edition, "the Coimbra City Council once again gives prominence to local musical production", as evidenced by the number of artists who will perform at the Festas da Cidade -- about eight dozen", says the Council in a note sent to the Lusa agency.

Leia Também: Mind Da Gap regressam em julho no festival SBSR para "partir tudo" (Portuguese version)

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