
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º
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"Portugal is my home, where I feel good, especially in Porto"

Former Portuguese international is one of the faces of Boali's entry into Portugal, a Brazilian restaurant brand. In an interview with Desporto ao Minuto, the current sports director of Barcelona admits a special connection to our country and confesses that, nowadays, healthy eating is a more relevant topic even for football players.

"Portugal is my home, where I feel good, especially in Porto"
Notícias ao Minuto

08:45 - 16/05/24 por Francisco Amaral Santos

Desporto DECO

Deco was born and raised in the world of football, but nowadays he also "scores goals" in the business world. The former FC Porto player wore the national team jersey 75 times and admits that Portugal is "very special," which is why he is directly involved in the entry of Boali, a Brazilian group of healthy food restaurants, into our country.  In an interview with Desporto ao Minuto, the former Portuguese international assumes the affection he has for the national territory - especially for the Invicta city - and does not hesitate to say: "Portugal is my country."  Regarding the bet on the "world" of healthy eating, Deco explains that, currently, there is a greater awareness in this regard, even on the part of his colleagues and the clubs themselves: "There is a difference between the past and now."  And speaking of the present, the current sporting director of Barcelona admits that the connection with Boali happened "at the right time" and guarantees that he will be in Portugal whenever he can, also because he still has a home in Porto. 

Portugal for me is my home, where I feel good, especially in Porto

How special is it to be part of this project at the time of entry into Portugal?

It is very special. Portugal for me is my home, where I feel good, especially in Porto. When I arrived, I started living in Lisbon and then went to Porto. My children were born and raised here. Basically, Portugal is my country and anything I do that may be related to Portugal will always be a pleasure.

Boali fits very well into our daily lives. At home, my wife is obsessed with healthy eating and my children also dominate the subject much more. This started with a problem we had in a field center we have in Brazil, to play footvolley. We opened two years ago and have a restaurant in the middle of the fields. Our initial idea was that this restaurant would be for healthy food and everything came together.

When we got together to talk about it, Rodrigo Barros [CEO of Boali and with whom the Notícias ao Minuto also spoke - you can read the conversation here] starts telling me about the Boali expansion project. The opportunity arose.

In addition to knowing the potential of Boali, I think it is something new that I am pleased to bring to Portugal. 

This awareness of food has been growing. There is a difference between the past and now

Can we then say that Portugal gave the necessary push to enter this business? 

Yes, yes! It fit very well with what we were thinking for our restaurant. When he told me about the desire to enter Portugal, I was immediately very interested. It was from there. 

Has this concern for healthy eating always been part of your career as a footballer?

Maybe not [laughs]. I would be lying if I said it was. This awareness of food has been growing. There is a difference between the past and now. Not that it did not exist at that time, but it was something that was little studied. It was all more basic.

[The players, currently,] are more aware and so are the clubs

Let's give an example: a player ate more carbohydrates, ate fruit... He had a diet that was little studied. It was not as strong as it is today. 

Are players more controlled in this regard today? 

They are more aware and so are the clubs. Today the information we have at our disposal is much greater. Research has increased a lot in recent years. I believe that players have more knowledge today than in the past. 

What message do you want to convey to the Portuguese by associating yourself with Boali? 

Innovation, in addition to quality. I would never associate myself with anything that did not have quality. This is what Boali will bring to the Portuguese market. It is something I identify with. Otherwise, I would not have the desire to enter. I usually say that I have known Rodrigo for a short time, but also for a long time. Rodrigo has known my foster brother for over 20 years, they are from the same city, so from our recent relationship he went to look for stories from the past. These are things that happen at the right time. Boali appeared at an important moment for me. 

I like salads, because at home they force me a lot [laughs] (...) Everyone thinks that players cannot eat, but they can eat everything

Deco wore the national team jersey 75 times. Would opening 75 restaurants in the next 10 years be an ambitious goal? 

It wouldn't be bad [laughs]. It's a good idea! Let's work on that goal!

What will the Portuguese find at Boali and what is your favorite dish right now?

I like salads, because at home they force me a lot to eat [laughs]. Crepes are what I like the most.

And the players themselves can also go to Boali regularly because it will be a healthy option... 

Healthy and good! Everyone thinks that players cannot eat, but they can eat everything. 

You currently have very important functions in Spain, as sporting director of Barcelona. With this business, do you intend to be more present in Portugal?

I am always present, but only at certain times. I go to Lisbon very little, I always go to Porto more, because I have a house there. Whenever I can, I will be there. 

Notícias ao Minuto Deco next to Rodrigo Barros, the CEO of Boali© Boali  

Leia Também: 'Joões' mais dois. Eis os planos de Deco para o verão do Barcelona (Portuguese version)

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