
  • 19 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 17º MÁX 26º
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"I never betrayed Sérgio Conceição". Vítor Bruno breaks his silence

FC Porto's assistant coach gives his version of the facts and regrets "orchestrated campaign" to "assassinate" his character and good name.

"I never betrayed Sérgio Conceição". Vítor Bruno breaks his silence
Notícias ao Minuto

23:26 - 31/05/24 por Notícias ao Minuto

Desporto FC Porto

Vítor Bruno used social media on Friday night to issue a statement denying that he betrayed Sérgio Conceição, at a time when his name is on the list, drawn up by the new president André Villas-Boas, of potential successors to the still Porto coach. 

"It is necessary to state, from the outset and so that there are no doubts, that I never betrayed ('stabbed' in the back, as they cunningly try to instill) or, in any way, was disloyal to the head coach Sérgio Conceição, with whom I always used the greatest integrity, transparency and honesty, and now it is necessary to clarify the truth of the facts", began by writing Vítor Bruno.

"I was approached - a few days before the Portuguese Cup final, played on May 28 in Jamor - about the possibility of coaching, as head coach, a team in a championship outside Portugal, to which my response was peremptory, in the sense that there was an openness to discuss this possibility - there being a commitment to talk to the head coach Sérgio Conceição about it. However (and as, in my modest understanding, is necessary), this would only happen after the end of the sports season. Which is what effectively happened - in fact, this matter was discussed in a dignified, calm and civilized manner between me and the head coach Sérgio Conceição, at the beginning of this week", explained the FC Porto assistant, giving more explanations. 

"Fully understanding the reasons I put forward for taking on a team as head coach, he accepted my decision - and wished me, in the end, the greatest success. As a result, I am currently evaluating the various possibilities regarding my professional future - regarding which I reserve my freedom of choice, and the decision about it is exclusively mine. The truth is, only and solely, this. All the other narrative that malicious third parties are trying to construct and instill is tainted with absolute bad faith and is totally false", lamented Vítor Bruno.  

The FC Porto assistant coach also pointed the "finger at the orchestrated campaign with the sole and declared purpose" of "defaming" and slandering him, "trying by all means (and resorting to a multitude of participants) to assassinate my character, my reputation and my good name, which has been built for almost two decades in the world of football". 

"Thanks to the totally undeserved offenses and slander of which I have been the target and victim, I feel deeply wronged, seeing my family disturbed and in daily and permanent suffering, when I know that I have done nothing wrong or that could justify the campaign orchestrated against me - urging me, as such, to express my outright repudiation of the 'news' that has now been made public and to which I am responding here (this, without prejudice to, in due time and if I consider it necessary and pertinent to the defense of my honor, reacting to them in court)", he stressed, before leaving a final message. 

"I emphasize that none of the 'news' that has emerged in recent days, allegedly quoting people from my circle (the so-called 'close sources'), presents any basis in truth: I was not in the least offended (allegedly, I would have considered this fact as a 'betrayal', which does not correspond at all to reality) by the circumstance that the head coach Sérgio Conceição renewed his contract with Futebol Clube do Porto, instead of the rest of the technical team (he being, as is obvious, free to do so). At no time did this circumstance have any relation to my decision to follow a different path from the aforementioned technical team - I had nothing to do with the 'launching' of such news, which is absolutely devoid of meaning or foundation", concluded Vítor Bruno. 

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