
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

Attention: AT warns of fraudulent messages about "discrepancies" in the IRS

Be aware and don't be fooled.

Attention: AT warns of fraudulent messages about "discrepancies" in the IRS
Notícias ao Minuto

07:56 - 22/04/24 por Notícias ao Minuto

Economia Fraude

The Tax Authority (AT) issued a warning informing that fake messages are circulating about a possible discrepancy in the IRS declaration. This, at a time when the campaign for filing the declaration is underway, which can lead many taxpayers to fall for the scheme.

"The AT is aware that some taxpayers are receiving email messages supposedly from the AT, referring to a possible discrepancy in an IRS declaration, in which they are asked to click on a link", can be read on the Portal das Finanças.

However, the Tax Authority assures that "these messages are false and should be ignored".

"Their objective is to convince the recipient to access malicious pages by clicking on the suggested links", it adds. "Under no circumstances should you do this", concludes the Tax Authority.

Example of the messages that are being sent:

Notícias ao Minuto The Tax Authority assures that "these messages are false and should be ignored"© Reproduction of the Portal das Finanças  

Read Also: After all, how much will you save on IRS? This table shows the decreases by bracket (Portuguese version)

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