
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

This local authority "was forced" to increase the garbage tax by more than 100%

Sever do Vouga City Council was forced to increase urban waste tariffs by more than 100% in order not to lose the possibility of applying for European funds, informed today the municipality of the Aveiro district.

This local authority "was forced" to increase the garbage tax by more than 100%
Notícias ao Minuto

12:50 - 22/04/24 por Lusa

Economia Sever do Vouga

In statements to Lusa, the Mayor, Pedro Lobo (PSD), clarified that this increase, which goes from an average of 2.66 euros to seven euros per month, is "a legal imposition", following a directive from ERSAR - Regulatory Authority for Water and Waste Services.

The matter was discussed at the last session of the Municipal Assembly, held on Friday, in which several deputies criticized the "frightening" increases in waste fees.

In his response to the deputies, the Mayor explained that the increase reflects the increases in the costs of treating urban waste from ERSUC -- Solid Waste of the Center and the waste management fee, since 2021, which were borne by the municipality until the end of last year.

"Last year, consumers paid only about 14% of the total value of the costs inherent in urban waste in tariffs, with 86% being borne by the municipality," he added.

The mayor also mentioned that the Council "was forced, due to legislation and management options at national level, to proceed with this update", under penalty of no longer being able to apply for community funds.

"We were informed by ERSAR that we would have to reflect the increases to the consumer, which, if it did not occur, would constitute a serious violation and prevent the council from applying for various European funds," he explained.

Despite these increases, the mayor assured that Sever do Vouga, in the district of Aveiro, "continues to be the municipality in the vicinity that pays the least for urban waste tariffs".

Pedro Lobo also warned that it is necessary to improve waste management behavior, with greater concern and involvement in recycling and reuse, recalling that, in 2023, they began the free distribution of biocomposters, with the aim of reducing waste production and collection costs.

The Mayor also asked consumers with financial difficulties to go to municipal services to assess the viability of granting the social tariff.

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