
  • 18 OCTOBER 2024
MIN 16º MÁX 22º

Union accuses canning companies of wanting to exchange rights "for pennies"

The food industry workers' union today accused canning companies of wanting to exchange rights "for pennies" and will consult the sector, from North to South, to decide on the forms of struggle to adopt.

Union accuses canning companies of wanting to exchange rights "for pennies"
Notícias ao Minuto

18:17 - 23/04/24 por Lusa

Economia SINTAB

"We will move forward with an initiative with the sector's workers from all the companies in the country, to obtain clarifications and 'feedback' regarding the procedures to follow", said the leader of the Union of Agriculture and Food, Beverage and Tobacco Industry Workers of Portugal (Sintab) Mariana Rocha, in statements to Lusa.

According to the unionist, the next forms of struggle to adopt should come out of these initiatives.

"It is always the workers who give their word and decide on the initiatives that can be carried out", she stressed.

Sintab today released a statement in which it accuses the employers in the canning industry of promoting initiatives to attack collective bargaining and dismissals under false justifications of crisis.

Mariana Rocha told Lusa that the sector's representative association demands that workers "give up their hours" for salary increases.

"For us, it is essential to maintain the workers' rights and not exchange them for cents", she stressed.

In the statement, the union structure also denounced the sale of the national productive heritage of canned fish to foreign investors, the use of subcontracting "without reasons to validate it", the minimum wage policy and the precariousness of employment relationships.

According to Sintab, the last conciliation meeting with the National Association of Canned Fish Industrialists (ANICP) took place on December 6, 2023, in Porto.

The union affiliated with CGTP sent a new request for a meeting with ANICP, which it said was refused because the association understood that the conditions were not met, since there was still no consensus.

Lusa contacted ANICP and is awaiting a response.

Read Also: Union: 80% of adherence in Nobre strike and new stoppage in April (Portuguese version)

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