
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

Cabin crew warn of possible easyJet ‘disruption’

The National Union of Civil Aviation Flight Personnel (SNPVAC) today warned of the possibility of a "huge disruption" in the peak season, due to the "poor organization" in the workers' schedules, it said in a statement.

Cabin crew warn of possible easyJet ‘disruption’
Notícias ao Minuto

19:17 - 23/04/24 por Lusa

Economia SNPVAC

In the note, released today, the SNPVAC said that in recent months it "has warned the company about the need for a more equitable distribution of scales", giving an account of several 'emails' sent on the subject, since October of last year.

The union warned of the problems already visible in the May scales, with "11 or 12-hour days, consecutively and, above all, in congested airports", adding that "the company applies an operational plan across the network, forgetting the specificities of each airport or country".

"Not having instruments that force the company to better manage the operation, or to have common sense, the alert left several times internally seems not to have worked", he lamented.

"At this stage, where the company is already facing disruption at the start of the IATA summer season, with several cancellations in the first week of April", the SNPVAC said that, "if there are no new hires, promotions to cabin chiefs, or that the plans are relieved" it foresees "a huge disruption in the peak summer season, and the operation may even be compromised".

"These cancellations are due to the company's poor organization, which had already occurred in 2019 and 2022", he stressed, emphasizing that "the company cannot then refer to maternity leave, flexible hours, summer events or even sick leave of workers, to justify something identified many months ago".

Read Also: EasyJet opens applications for training of 200 pilots (Portuguese version)

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