
  • 16 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 21º MÁX 36º

Architects request a starting salary in the profession of 1,300 euros

The Union of Architecture Workers (SINTARQ) has unanimously approved today a list of demands of which the proposal of a 1,300 euro starting salary for the profession and the right to 25 days of vacation stand out.

Architects request a starting salary in the profession of 1,300 euros
Notícias ao Minuto

16:01 - 01/05/24 por Lusa

Economia Salários

In the demands notebook, which Lusa had access to, the architects demand a minimum starting salary in the design career of 1,300 euros and in the specialized technician career of 1,200 euros.
Pointing out that in the architecture sector more than 50% of the workers receive a gross monthly salary of less than 1,106 euros, these professionals ask for an increase in salaries with the stipulation of salary tables updated annually and adjusted to inflation. Adding that in Portugal there is a discriminatory salary difference, the architects also want equal pay for equal work, inseparable from salary tables and objective career progression criteria. In addition to this issue, the architects also advocate for a reduction in working hours to 30 hours in the first two years after the birth of children. In addition, these professionals want that, in the event of pregnancy, the parents have justified absences to go to prenatal appointments. The reduction of working hours to 35 hours per week without loss of pay, the counting of daily working time to control overtime and compliance with the maximum limit of overtime are other proposals that are part of the demands notebook. In addition to these, the architects also claim 25 working days of vacation for all workers, some holidays and the mandatory food allowance in the amount of 10 euros in remuneration or card. SINTARQ recalled that at the end of last year it launched a survey where it was possible to assess that more than 71% of workers are dissatisfied or very dissatisfied with their salary and that 88% believe that salary increases should have an annual periodicity of around 50 euros. The survey also concluded that 93% of workers believe that the weekly working hours should be 35 hours or less and 84% consider the 22 days of vacation to which they are currently entitled insufficient. Also Read: Thousands demonstrated in several countries in Southeast Asia (Portuguese version)

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