
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

UGT/Açores defends the appreciation of average and minimum wages

UGT/Açores today defended the need to carry out a reflection in the social concertation to combat the "crushing of average salaries", as well as to promote an increase in the minimum wage in the region.

UGT/Açores defends the appreciation of average and minimum wages
Notícias ao Minuto

21:27 - 11/05/24 por Lusa

Economia UGT

In a statement, UGT/Açores states that it wants "a serious and consequential debate on the increase in average salaries, resorting to political-administrative measures, if necessary".

UGT/Açores, which today held a press conference in the city of Horta, on the island of Faial, to present the results of the organisation's general council, also advocates "an effort in the negotiation for the convergence of values in regional collective agreements, whose values are lower, with national collective agreements".

The trade unionists also want the "maintenance and even deepening" of the Salary Increase Support Mechanism Plus in 2024, recalling that last year "it corresponded to the allocation of financial support in the amount of 174.00 euros per worker".

In the note, the trade union platform also defends the promotion of "employability and the fight against long-term unemployment, using the legal prerogative of encouraging employment via the mechanism of accumulating unemployment benefit with the remuneration of the new job".

On the other hand, it advocates the development of a regional housing strategy that allows "increasing the region's available housing stock, not only for social housing, but also for the middle class through affordable rents or acquisition at controlled prices".

Regarding the Regional Budget for 2024, which will be voted on this month, the trade union platform says it expects its approval, recalling promises included in the Government Programme such as the mandatory progression of regional civil servants, "as soon as they have six points in their performance evaluation, as a way to accelerate their career progression during their professional life".

Still within the framework of the Budget, UGT/Açores defends the integration into the regional administration's staff of more than 500 precarious workers, along with those hired under the programme to combat the covid-19 pandemic.

Read Also: CIP defends revision of the income agreement that it says is "of minimums" (Portuguese version)

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