
  • 16 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 21º MÁX 36º

Fesap admits "hot summer" if Government does not listen to trade unions

The president of the Federation of Public Administration Trade Unions (Fesap) today called on the Government to receive the unions "in the next few days" and warned that there could be a "hot summer" of protests and union struggles.

Fesap admits "hot summer" if Government does not listen to trade unions
Notícias ao Minuto

14:11 - 13/05/24 por Lusa

Economia FESAP

"We are very concerned and, if there are no developments in the near future, we will certainly have a hot summer, with many protests and struggles, because we are practically at the end of May and we have careers, such as those of social reintegration workers, which do not even have a career review process yet," said the president of Fesap, José Abraão, at a press conference in Angra do Heroísmo, in the Azores.

The new executive of the Democratic Alliance (AD), led by Luís Montenegro, took office on April 2nd.

Fesap requested meetings with 10 ministries, "at least two weeks ago", but only has one scheduled with the Secretary of State for Local Government, on Tuesday.

The Ministries of Health and Justice have not yet scheduled meetings, but have responded to Fesap, which did not happen with the others.

José Abraão speaks of "disrespect for trade union organizations and workers", claiming that the executive had time for professional orders.

"Priority is being given to professional orders, which have little or nothing to do with collective bargaining and, therefore, it is a demand of Sintap and Fesap to respect collective bargaining, which at least maintains the pace we have had until now", he stressed.

The president of Fesap appealed for the Government to listen to the unions "in the coming days" and "establish a negotiating commitment", otherwise he admitted the use of strikes and protests.

"There will not be many days left, due to the pressure that the workers put on us, so that we are at the door of some ministries or services, so that this can have some consequences", he pointed out.

José Abraão acknowledged that the executive has only recently taken office, but recalled that some of the workers' demands have been going on for "a long time" and that dissatisfaction is growing.

"We are in limbo, expecting the Government to meet with Fesap and the unions, with the aim of resolving these problems. We do not want everything at once, but it is necessary to induce predictability and confidence. This is what we do not yet have at this moment", he explained.

Among Fesap's demands are the streamlining of the change in remuneration progression, resulting from the revision of the evaluation system, so that it occurs "in January 2025", and the negotiation of the unrevised careers of Labor Inspectors, Social Security and Fisheries, prison guards and senior health technicians, among others.

The federation also insists on the reinstatement of the 25 days of vacation and the revision of the value of daily allowances and defends a reduction in the Personal Income Tax (IRS) that covers "all workers and not just those who earn the most".

"Workers with the lowest incomes cannot hear that the reduction will mean a euro and a half or two", stressed the president of Fesap.

José Abraão also expressed "enormous concern" about the fact that the public administration is now dependent on several ministries, claiming that it will require "capacity for political and negotiating coordination" from the Government.

Read Also: Clarify priorities. Fesap hopes to meet with the Government by the end of the month (Portuguese version)

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