
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

2023 year-end redemptions of 594 million were the highest since 2016

Final appropriations in 2023 amounted to 594.4 million euros, the highest value since 2016, according to a report by the Council of Public Finances (CFP) published today.

2023 year-end redemptions of 594 million were the highest since 2016
Notícias ao Minuto

12:16 - 15/05/24 por Lusa

Economia Cativações

According to the CFP report "Budgetary Evolution of Public Administrations in 2023", the initial allocations on expenditure in the central administration amounted to 1,242.1 million euros, of which 322.2 million euros on the budgetary reserve.

The provisional data for the year 2023 indicate that 647.7 million euros were deactivated, with permanent allocations totaling 594.4 million euros, of which about one third in the "Infrastructure and Housing" program.

The final allocations reached their highest value since 2016, when they recorded 941 million euros.

In 2022, they had reached 444 million euros, which compared with the initial allocations of 1,082 million euros.

The final allocations of 2023 correspond to 47.9% of the total initial allocations, also being the highest ratio since 2016.

The CFP indicates that it requested the Directorate-General for the Budget (DGO) to break down the allocations by economic classification, but received no response.

The entity led by Nazaré da Costa Cabral also points out that the budgetary reserve for the year 2023 totaled 383 million euros, a value corresponding to 2.5% of the expenditure budget of each budgetary program of the central administration for 2023, and of this total value 132.7 million euros (34.7%) were used, with about one third occurring in the Ministry of Internal Administration.

The budgetary reserve was not used in 250.3 million euros, with this unused value benefiting the budgetary balance in 2023.

The CFP also notes that the provisional allocation approved for 2023 (813.7 million euros) was used almost entirely (804.1 million euros), with more than half of the value being used to reinforce transfers to the Social Security budget (239.7 million euros to ensure the necessary availability for the allocation of extraordinary support to families for the payment of rent and the payment of credit contracts) and the Ministry of Agriculture and Food (177.9 million euros for support measures for the sector).

The remaining effective expenditure allocations centralized in the Ministry of Finance amounted to 225 million euros in the State Budget for 2023 (OE2023) and had an execution of 174 million euros.

In total, compared to the amount registered in the OE2023, the management of budgetary control instruments "allowed the reduction of expenditure and the budgetary balance" by 707.6 million euros (0.3% of GDP).

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