
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

Valorsul Workers on Strike Between 22 and 26 May

Workers at Valorsul, the company responsible for waste in the Lisbon and Oeste region, will go on strike between May 22 and 26 to demand salary improvements and a reduction in working hours.

Valorsul Workers on Strike Between 22 and 26 May
Notícias ao Minuto

16:45 - 15/05/24 por Lusa

Economia Valorsul

According to the strike notice, delivered by the Union of Workers of the Transforming Industries, Energy and Environmental Activities of the South Centre and Autonomous Regions, the strike will affect different sectors and infrastructures, depending on the day.

The reasons for this strike are related, among other things, to the increase in wages and vacation days, the improvement of safety conditions and the reduction of working hours, according to what Mário Matos, from the Valorsul Workers' Commission, told the Lusa agency.

"The reasons have to do with the company not making proposals that meet the workers' demands. In April, they made a counterproposal that, for us, is unacceptable, because it is a bargaining chip", he pointed out.

According to Mário Matos, Valorsul agreed to reduce working hours, "in exchange for the workers agreeing to give up rights enshrined in the Company Agreement".

One of these rights, the unionist pointed out, would be that the lunch hour would be included in the workers' working hours.

"For us, it is unacceptable. We do not accept bargaining chips", he stressed.

According to the strike schedule, the Urban Solid Waste Treatment Plant (CTRSU) will be the first to suffer the effects, starting at 00:00 on May 22, where there will be stoppages per shift.

In the following days, the stoppage will also affect the maintenance, characterization and selective collection service, the Mato da Cruz Sanitary Landfill and Slag Valorization Facility (ASMC), the Oeste Health Center, Triage and Transfer Stations, the Lumiar Triage and Ecocenter and the Organic Valorization Station.

The Lusa agency asked for a reaction from the Valorsul administration, but received no response.

Valorsul, with about 450 employees, is the company responsible for the treatment and recovery of recyclable waste and solid urban waste produced in 19 municipalities in the Lisbon and Oeste regions.

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