
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

Income support reaches 223,000 in April, 10,000 less than in January

The income support reached 223,200 tenants in the end of April, a number that represents a decrease of about 10 thousand in relation to the beginning of the year, according to data from the Ministry of Infrastructure and Housing.

Income support reaches 223,000 in April, 10,000 less than in January
Notícias ao Minuto

18:14 - 15/05/24 por Lusa

Economia Habitação

"At the beginning of the year, a total of 233,323 taxpayers/tenants" of the extraordinary income support were found to be eligible for support, said the ministry led by Miguel Pinto Luz, in response to questions from Lusa, specifying that on April 30, the number of beneficiaries of this program "was 223,200".

This universe of tenants with support corresponds to 213,716 families.

The decrease in the number of tenants with support may have originated from several factors such as the end of the contract (because the tenant has left the house) or because, following a change such as a rent increase or change of landlord, it was considered that it is a new contract - which makes it no longer eligible for support under the current legal rules.

At issue is a rent support that can go up to a maximum of 200 euros per month, aimed at tenants with a rent payment effort rate equal to or greater than 35% and annual taxable income up to 38,632 euros (6th IRS bracket, with reference to the values of 2023) and with rental or sublease contracts for permanent housing entered into until March 15 of this year.

This limitation on the date of eligible contracts has resulted in the end of support for many tenants, and for this it is enough that there is a rent increase or that the house changes ownership (following a sale or inheritance), in which cases it is considered that the contract is new and after March 15, 2023.

This situation is one that the Government intends to change, proposing in the new housing strategy, approved last week, "the streamlining of rent subsidy programs, eliminating restrictions, namely expirations".

The objective is to prevent people from losing income support, ending the discontinuities that currently exist, and ensuring that it leaves no one out.

The Ministry of Infrastructure and Housing notes that "the number of taxpayers/tenants [supported] may vary depending on reasons such as termination of contracts or departure of tenants".

In the same response, the Ministry of Infrastructure and Housing also emphasizes that the Government is studying "the correction of the distortions introduced to the Urban Lease Regime in recent years", with the appointment of a working group for this purpose being planned.

Read Also: Families 'forced' to new contracts will be able to maintain income support (Portuguese version)

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