
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

"I have no doubt that communications have suffered deep impacts"

The president of the National Communications Authority (Anacom) said today that she has no doubt that the sector "has suffered profound impacts in the adoption of new technologies" and that artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to increase efficiency.

"I have no doubt that communications have suffered deep impacts"
Notícias ao Minuto

18:39 - 15/05/24 por Lusa

Economia Anacom

"Five months ago today, I embraced the challenge" of presiding over Anacom, Sandra Maximiano began by saying at the 33rd APDC Congress, in a speech that precedes the State of the Nation in Communications, stating that "efficient and effective regulation, and above all, dynamic regulation, is an essential ingredient in a world in the midst of a digital revolution".

And she added: "Like any other sector, I have no doubt that the communications sector has suffered profound impacts in the adoption of new technologies".

In this revolution, the regulator cannot fall behind, like AI, and "these systems have the potential to increase effectiveness and efficiency" and monitoring, minimising regulatory violations, predicting compliance problems and anticipating sector trends and future needs.

For example, AI could be used in the search for radio spectrum, in the allocation of licences and spectrum monitoring.

The president of Anacom warns that it is necessary to be aware of the risks of AI, because it can "be used to influence the opinions and choices of consumers", but it can also increase "first-degree price discrimination", which increases efficiency, "but leads to the transfer of consumer surpluses to operators".

Sandra Maximiano says that Anacom creates conditions for new companies to enter the market, giving the example of Digi, which is coming to Portugal and could "promote creativity" among operators, despite their fear of the "impact of the new operator on their revenues".

She also argues that planning the radio spectrum is "fundamental" and that the business opportunities of 5G are "multiple and varied", adding that Anacom has contributed to the dynamism of the area by supporting preparatory prospections for 6G.

The president of the authority also notes that greater "cooperation with education" is necessary and says that digital literacy is her goal.

Read also: Digi's entry will have a "creative" and competitive reaction from operators (Portuguese version)

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