
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

Average monthly pay in the civil service rises to €1,730 in January

The average monthly base salary in public administration increased by 6.4% in January, compared to the same period last year, to 1,730.2 euros, it was announced today.

Average monthly pay in the civil service rises to €1,730 in January
Notícias ao Minuto

20:37 - 15/05/24 por Lusa

Economia DGAEP

"In January 2024, the average monthly base salary of full-time workers in the public administration sector was €1,730.2, corresponding to an average overall variation of plus 4.3% compared to the reference month of the previous quarter (October 2023) and a year-on-year variation of 6.4%", according to the statistical summary of public employment from the Directorate-General for Public Administration and Employment (DGAEP).

This evolution was influenced by the combined effect of the entry and exit of workers with different salary levels, of approved appreciation measures for civil servants and of the update of the minimum wage to €820 and of the Public Administration Remuneration Base to €821.83.

In the regional and local administration, the career of other security personnel stands out (22.5%).

The average monthly earnings in public administrations are estimated at €2,043.5 in January, up 3.7% compared to the previous quarter and up 6.6% compared to the same period last year.

The year-on-year variation was influenced by the increase in the average monthly base salary and other components, such as regular allowances and supplements.

"The component of the earnings referring to payment for overtime shows a slight decrease", it said.

Regarding the average monthly earnings (year-on-year comparison), the careers of firefighter (44.7%), PJ - Judicial Police (28.5%) and PSP - Public Security Police (28.5%) stand out.

Read Also: Communications sector was once "more dynamic", says minister (Portuguese version)

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