
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

Mendes Godinho denies having approved a salary increase at Santa Casa

Former Minister of Labour Ana Mendes Godinho denied today having approved any order to increase the salaries of the administrators of the Santa Casa de Lisboa, explaining that this stems from the alignment with the status of public manager.

Mendes Godinho denies having approved a salary increase at Santa Casa
Notícias ao Minuto

21:55 - 15/05/24 por Lusa

Economia Ana Mendes Godinho

Ana Mendes Godinho was heard this afternoon at the Committee on Labour, Social Security and Inclusion, regarding the financial sustainability of the Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa (SCML) and the internationalization process of social games.

Faced with a question from the parliamentary group of the Partido Social-Democrata that she had approved an order to increase the salaries of the ombudsman and the other members of the Board, the former government official replied that "there was a misunderstanding" and that "there was no order" from her.

"What there is is an order from 2013, from the then minister Mota Soares, which defines and equates the salaries of the members of the Board to the status of public manager and, therefore, that is the order", explained the former minister.

This issue, of the salary increases of the members of the Board, arises following an interview with the current Minister of Labour, Solidarity and Social Security, Maria do Rosário Ramalho, in which the government official said that the members of the Board had "benefited themselves", increasing their salaries.

Later, also in a hearing in parliament, the deputy ombudsman of the Santa Casa de Lisboa, Ana Vitória Azevedo, accused the minister Maria do Rosário Ramalho of "saying things that are not true" and explained that the increase in salaries resulted from the status of public manager, to which the salaries of the managers of the SCML are indexed.

Read Also: Mendes Godinho says that privatization of social games is "inadmissible" (Portuguese version)

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