
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

Interest rate weight in the average home loan payment rises to 61%

Interest represented 61% of the average housing loan payment in April, compared to 48% in April 2023, despite the implicit interest rate having fallen for the third consecutive month, to 4.606%, the INE announced today.

Interest rate weight in the average home loan payment rises to 61%
Notícias ao Minuto

11:25 - 16/05/24 por Lusa

Economia Crédito à habitação

According to data released today by the National Institute of Statistics (INE), "in the last month, the portion related to interest represented 61% of the average installment, which compares to 48% in April 2023".

The implicit interest rate in all home loan contracts decreased for the third consecutive month, to 4.606% in April, representing a decrease of 0.7 basis points compared to March (4.613%).

In contracts signed in the last three months, the interest rate fell for the sixth month, going from 4.000% in March to 3.910% in April.

The average installment was set at 404 euros, one euro above the value of March 2024 and 63 euros above that recorded in April 2023, which represents a monthly variation of 0.2% (no variation in the previous month).

In contracts signed in the last three months, the average value of the installment fell eight euros compared to the previous month, to 611 euros in April, which corresponds to an increase of 3.6% compared to the same month of the previous year.

The average capital in debt for all home loans increased by 186 euros, to 65,577 euros.

Read Also: Rental support reaches 223 thousand in April, 10 thousand less than in January (Portuguese version)

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