
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

President of the Portuguese Association of Statutory Auditors calls for reflection on low fees

The chairman of the Official Auditors Association (OROC), Virgílio Macedo, calls for a "serious reflection" on the low fees and the need for adequate resources to carry out this profession.

President of the Portuguese Association of Statutory Auditors calls for reflection on low fees
Notícias ao Minuto

13:32 - 16/05/24 por Lusa

Economia Contas

Virgílio Macedo took office as president of OROC this Wednesday, in Lisbon.

In the inauguration ceremony, the president, who promised an "interventionist order", highlighted the challenges to which auditors are "permanently subject" and asked for a "serious reflection" on the low fees and the need for resources and means appropriate to the profession, OROC indicated today, in a statement.

"We must be inflexible and intolerant of the existence of practices that may compromise the integrity of our profession", he stressed.

The president also defended that statutory auditors are essential for the country's economy and that he will defend the profession from "exaggerated supervision practices".

In the same session, the Secretary of State for Fiscal Affairs, Cláudia Reis Duarte, quoted in the same note, highlighted the "indisputable public service of the functions performed by statutory auditors", also praising their capacity for adaptation and modernization in the face of challenges.

Virgílio Macedo was reelected for a new term with more than 92% of the votes.

Read Also: Average gross monthly total remuneration per worker increases by 3.8% (Portuguese version)

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