
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

Liquid State Commitments with PPPs Fall 7.4% from 2022 to 2023

The State's charges with PPPs fell to 1,254.9 million euros in 2023, 1.5% below the estimate in the State Budget and 7.4% less than the executed in the previous year, according to data released today.

Liquid State Commitments with PPPs Fall 7.4% from 2022 to 2023
Notícias ao Minuto

17:05 - 16/05/24 por Lusa

Economia Conta Geral do Estado

The data is included in the 2023 General State Account (CGE), published today by the General Directorate of the Budget (DGO), which details that the charges of the Public Administrations with the Public-Private Partnership (PPP) contracts amounted to 1,254.9 million euros last year, being 1.5% (18.8 million euros) below the amount estimated in the report of the State Budget proposal for 2023 (OE2023).

The document details that the difference results from "the charges with the health sectors having been below the budget and the revenues of the airport sector having exceeded the forecasts", and that, in the opposite direction, there was an execution above the budget in the road and railway sectors.

When comparing the execution of 2023 with that of the previous year, there was a decrease of 7.4% in the State's net charges with PPPs, compared to the 1,355.7 executed in 2022, to which all sectors contributed, except for the railway sector, which registered an increase of 5.4% in net charges.

The sectors in which the most significant decreases in charges were registered were the road sector, with a 5.1% decrease to 1,078.4 million euros, whose decrease is explained by the combined effect of the decrease in gross charges, by 21.7 million euros (-1.5%), and the increase in revenues, by 36.7 million euros (11.2%), and the health sector, with a 22.3% drop to 126.4 million euros.

Read Also: Average payment term to State suppliers falls to 42 days in 2023 (Portuguese version)

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