
  • 19 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 18º MÁX 26º

Mozambique's electricity exports grew by 9% in 2023

Mozambique's electricity exports to neighboring countries grew by 9% in 2023, compared to 2022, to a new high, according to the report and accounts of the state-owned EDM, which emphasizes the country's affirmation as a regional hub.

Mozambique's electricity exports grew by 9% in 2023
Notícias ao Minuto

09:52 - 17/05/24 por Lusa

Economia Moçambique

According to data from the report and accounts of Electricidade de Moçambique (EDM), the volume of electricity exports produced in the country grew in one year from 1,730 GigaWatts-hour (GWh) to 1,891 GWh, representing more than 30% of total production.

"Our performance in the southern African region is quite encouraging," says the chairman of the board of directors, Marcelino Gildo Alberto, in the message included in EDM's 2023 report and accounts.

"We are gradually consolidating the goal of making Mozambique the regional energy hub. In addition to the increase in export volume, in 2023, we increased energy sales to Botswana and successfully completed the debt collection process with ZESCO, our counterpart in Zambia, in the amount of 22 million dollars [20.2 million euros]," reads the same message.

Lusa previously reported that EDM recorded profits in 2023, for the third consecutive year, but that they fell by 7.5% compared to 2022, to 4.82 billion meticais (70.3 million euros).

According to data from the report and accounts released by EDM, the company's turnover grew by 14% in 2023, to 53.17 billion meticais (775.6 million euros).

EDM announced in April that it will increase the electricity supply to its counterpart ZESCO, from Zambia, from 50 to 90 MegaWatts (MW), as an addendum to the initial contract.

"We not only intend to trade more volumes of electricity, but also to establish partnerships in the sector, as well as to generate the necessary trust to improve trade," said the chairman of the board of directors of EDM, Marcelino Gildo Alberto, quoted in a statement from the Mozambican electricity company.

He added that EDM "is ready to supply the electricity deficit that Zambia is currently experiencing," due to the drought affecting its hydroelectric dams and power generation capacity.

According to the Mozambican electricity company, an addendum to the contract with ZESCO, signed a year ago in Luanda, was signed in Lusaka at that time, for the purchase and sale of electricity to the neighboring country, increasing from the 50 MW initially agreed to 90 MW "firm" and "valid for off-peak hours".

Marcelino Gildo Alberto said that "in the medium term, the 400kV Interconnection Line" between Mozambique and Zambia should be implemented, an infrastructure that is part of the "list of priority projects to improve direct energy trade in large volumes between the two countries", as well as for the SAPP (Southem African Power Pool) market.

EDM adds that this interconnection between Mozambique and Zambia will allow the "rapid" exchange of around 2,000MW of electricity for the regional market, from 2030 onwards, benefiting notably Zambia, "where the demand for electricity is increasing exponentially, especially in the mining sector".

Read also: Attention: Electricity bill "may increase by six to 13€ per month from June" (Portuguese version)

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