
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

SATA fears impact of change in mobility subsidy in the Azores

Air carrier SATA and travel agencies fear that any change to the rules of the social mobility subsidy, attributed to passengers residing in the Azores in trips to the continent, may harm tour operators.

SATA fears impact of change in mobility subsidy in the Azores
Notícias ao Minuto

21:17 - 17/05/24 por Lusa

Economia Açores

“The company may have charged the passenger 134 euros, which may not be accepted as eligible, meaning that the company will bear the cost of the difference [compared to the sale price],” warned Carla Neto, director of the public Azorean company SATA, who was heard today by the Regional Assembly’s Economy Committee in Ponta Delgada.
According to the representative, the carriers do not have databases with information on residents that allow them to attest to their eligibility for the subsidy, proving their address. The deputies are currently holding hearings with air carriers, representatives of the Regional Government and the Government of the Republic, regarding a proposal by Chega that aims to “simplify the model for granting the social mobility subsidy to residents of the Azores, for round-trip travel to the mainland”. The subsidy allows residents of the archipelago to travel to the mainland with a maximum airfare of 134 euros. However, it is necessary to initially purchase the ticket at the sale price and only after the trip is completed will the entire amount above this target of 134 euros be reimbursed by the State. Chega proposes that residents pay a maximum of 134 euros at the time of purchase, to end speculation on the price of flights. In this case, the reimbursement of the difference would be handled by the operators directly with the State. Carla Neto admitted that the current model causes “some constraints”, especially for passengers, who first have to purchase their tickets at prices often higher than the maximum ceiling, but suggested that an “intermediary figure” be created, which does not place “the risk” solely on the companies. “There could possibly be an intermediary here, a third party, who could ensure this process financially. That could be an option,” explained the director of the Azorean airline, recalling that, from SATA’s point of view, “the current model works”. The president of the Portuguese Association of Travel Agencies (APAVT), Pedro Ferreira, also believes that tour operators could end up being the main victims of these changes to the social mobility subsidy now proposed in the Azorean parliament. “If the resident passenger does not provide the necessary documentation, or if the documentation is not in order, what the preliminary draft says is that the travel agency will not be entitled to a refund for the ticket, which means that there is an increased risk and increased costs,” warned the representative, at the parliamentary hearing. Pedro Ferreira also said that the changes proposed by Chega could also introduce “perverse effects”, namely the reduction of seats available on planes for tourists who want to visit the Azores. “The occupation of planes, at low prices, for residents, but subsidised by the State, is keeping tourists away from planes and could be depriving the Azores archipelago of more income,” stressed the president of APAVT. Also Read: Government of the Azores warns of a possible increase in the mobility rate (Portuguese version)

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