
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

Employers, here are five tips for kicking off a recruitment drive

Within the scope of the International Human Resources Day, Multipessoal shares tips to start your recruitment process on the right foot. Stay tuned.

Employers, here are five tips for kicking off a recruitment drive
Notícias ao Minuto

12:27 - 20/05/24 por Notícias ao Minuto

Economia Emprego

All companies aim for an effective recruitment process, since it is "fundamental for the success of an organization", because it "allows for the attraction of qualified talents" and contributes to "reducing a company's turnover rate, improving organizational performance and contributing to the creation of a strong company culture".

Within the scope of the International Human Resources Day, Multipessoal shares tips for starting your recruitment process on the right foot. Stay tuned: 

  1. Clearly define the candidate's profile: "Before starting the recruitment process, it is mandatory to clearly define the type of candidate you are looking for. From technical skills, experience, behavioral skills and cultural values that align with your company. The more detailed the profile you are looking for, the easier it will be to identify suitable candidates";
  2. Use multiple recruitment channels: "It is important not to limit recruitment to just one channel. It is equally important to look within the organization for profiles that fit the vacancy you want to fill. The use of other channels, such as social networks, job platforms and recruitment companies, such as Multipessoal, are tools that will broaden your candidate base and the possibility of finding qualified talents"; 
  3. Develop a structured selection process: "A selection process should be divided into phases, such as: resume screening, preliminary interviews, skills assessment and final interviews. It is important that all members of the recruitment team are aligned with the selection criteria and the questions to be asked to the candidates";
  4. Communicate transparently with candidates: "Proximity to the candidate is essential. They should be informed about the progress of the process, through the sharing of constructive feedback (even for those who were not selected). Transparent communication demonstrates professionalism and helps build a good reputation for the company"; 
  5. Promote diversity and inclusion: "Promoting diversity can bring different perspectives, experiences and skills to companies. It allows for greater talent attraction, as well as a greater variety of candidates, while improving the company's reputation as an inclusive and equitable employer".

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