
  • 16 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 21º MÁX 36º

Municipalities propose new and more efficient Local Finance Law

The President of the National Association of Portuguese Municipalities (ANMP), Luísa Salgueiro, today proposed a new Local Finance Law to the Government, which will modernize the country and make it more efficient and closer to the people.

Municipalities propose new and more efficient Local Finance Law
Notícias ao Minuto

14:04 - 20/05/24 por Lusa

Economia ANMP

"We propose, in the true meaning of the term, a new Local Finance Law. A law that will modernize Portugal and that is in itself a State reform, making it more efficient and closer to the people", she highlighted.

In the ceremony commemorating the 40th anniversary of the Portuguese National Association of Municipalities (ANMP), which took place this morning in Coimbra, the mayor defended the importance of the country being able to act and react to the transformations of the world.

"In the face of the challenges of contemporaneity and in the face of our old and continued desire to make our democracy an exponent of social justice, of Portugal's competitiveness in the world, of sustainable development and of the affirmation of the genuine Portuguese soul", she added.

According to the mayor, Portugal is still far from the European averages in terms of management of public resources entrusted to local authorities, and therefore presented the new Government led by Luís Montenegro with a new list of demands, "to make Portugal a more European country".

"Strengthening the decentralization of competences to municipalities and parishes, accompanied by the necessary human and financial resources", she argued.

During her speech, before an auditorium full of mayors and attended by the Prime Minister, Luís Montenegro, the Mayor of Matosinhos also alluded to the importance of promoting regionalization.

"Portugal needs to follow the reformist impulse of decentralization with the courage and determination to fulfill a long-standing ambition, of regionalization. It is a huge State reform that mayors have repeatedly demanded at ANMP congresses", she said.

Regionalization cannot continue to be postponed, she said, giving as an example studies that indicate that more decentralization and more regionalization allow for greater development and economic growth of European partners.

"We cannot continue to postpone regionalization, this reform has been delayed for many reasons. These reasons are no longer sufficient for us to continue to accept the postponement of regionalization, which is for us a 'sine qua non' condition for defending our model of social state, democracy and capacity to lead Portugal in the World", she justified.

According to Luísa Salgueiro, regionalization is the opportunity to do more and better and for Portugal to grow as a country.

"To overcome the challenges we face collectively, with greater responsiveness, with greater spirit of unity and with effective participation of the Portuguese in the decision-making processes", she said.

In response to the mayor, the Prime Minister, Luís Montenegro, stated that regionalization is not a priority for the Government, preferring to continue with the process of decentralization of competences from the Central Administration to local authorities.

The 40th anniversary ceremony was also attended by the first president of ANMP, Artur Torres Pereira, and was later joined by the President of the Republic, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, who unveiled a commemorative plaque.

Read Also: Funds? Municipalities recommend "caution" with term of responsibility (Portuguese version)

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