
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

"Best profile". Paulo Alexandre has already taken office as SCML provider

Paulo Alexandre Sousa took office at 5:30 pm, at the facilities of the Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa.

"Best profile". Paulo Alexandre has already taken office as SCML provider
Notícias ao Minuto

18:04 - 20/05/24 por Notícias ao Minuto

Economia Santa Casa de Lisboa

The Minister of Labor, Solidarity and Social Security, Maria do Rosário Ramalho, gave, this Monday, possession to the new provider of the Holy House of Mercy of Lisbon (SCML), Paulo Alexandre Sousa, emphasizing that the economist has "the best profile" to face "the serious challenges" that the institution has ahead of it".

"The Government understood and understands that this is the best profile to face the serious challenges that the Holy House has ahead of it", said the minister, in a ceremony that took place at the SCML facilities and which was attended by the prime minister, Luís Montenegro.

The minister highlighted the "challenge of continuing to ensure sustainability conditions that are indispensable to its irreplaceable resignation" and which "demands responsible and rigorous management of its financial and human resources" and the "greater challenge of ensuring that the Holy House continues to give the best assistance response, especially to the most unprotected and disadvantaged". 

"The Holy House is now starting a new cycle, a new cycle in its leadership, a leadership that understands the importance of transparent and judicious management to protect the institution and its mission", stressed the minister, who also said that "soon" the composition of the SCML Board and the date of its inauguration will be announced.

It should be recalled that the Minister of Labor, Solidarity and Social Security announced last week that Paulo Alexandre Sousa was the chosen one for the next provider of the Holy House of Mercy of Lisbon, thus replacing Ana Jorge. 

The choice immediately generated controversy, with the media reporting that Paulo Alexandre Sousa had been banned four years ago by the Central Bank of Mozambique from holding social positions and management functions in credit institutions and financial companies for three years.

On Friday, the PS questioned the Government about the case related to the inhibition that existed on the economist and whether this affects the suitability, capacity and competence of the new provider.

Paulo Alexandre Sousa will assume a three-year term, until 2027. The economist, 56 years old, has a degree in Business Management from the Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão (ISEG), having worked in banking, namely as chairman of the executive committee of Banco Comercial e de Investimentos, S.A. and by the Central Directorate of Real Estate Financing of Caixa Geral de Depósitos (CGD).

Internationally, between 2013 and 2019, he represented CGD's interests in Mozambique, having also been Portugal's representative on the Economic Affairs Committee, within the scope of the European Mortgage Federation.

"He also has experience in the social area, having been vice-president of the Portuguese Red Cross, being part of the board of the Costa do Estoril nucleus for two terms. He returned, in the present term, to integrate the aforementioned direction. He has experience in matters related to the real estate sector, having been responsible for the creation of the Social Rental Market", said the Government's statement announcing the appointment.

Also in the real estate sector, he was also in charge of managing an urban development fund, supervised by the Institute of Housing and Urban Rehabilitation and by CGD.

He also has experience in teaching in higher education, in the areas of Mathematics, Financial Marketing, Management and Real Estate.

Read Also: After controversy, the new provider of the Holy House takes office today (Portuguese version)

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