
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

Here, around 72% of service companies use or assess using AI

Nearly 72% of service companies in Portugal already use or are evaluating the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI), while 81% of companies in this sector have AI investment plans for 2024, according to a released study.

Here, around 72% of service companies use or assess using AI
Notícias ao Minuto

17:58 - 20/05/24 por Lusa

Economia Inteligência Artificial

According to the "State of Sales" report, which shares information from over 5,500 service professionals from 30 countries, including Portugal, "the majority of companies surveyed (72%) have already started or are evaluating taking the first steps in using AI", with the vast majority (81%) stating that "they already have investment plans for this year".

The study prepared by the technology company Salesforce, which specializes in AI CRM (Customer Relationship Management), also found that "88% of service professionals in Portugal with AI confirm that the technology saves them time".

At a meeting with journalists in Lisbon, Salesforce Portugal's 'country leader', Fernando Braz, stated that the company's operation in Portugal, which has been in operation for three years, is going "very well" in terms of business.

"We believe that the market and the digital economy have a lot to do", said Fernando Braz, referring to generative AI and digital transformation.

On Tuesday, the Centro Cultural de Belém (CCB) will host a new edition of the Salesforce World Tour Essentials, a meeting on intelligent innovation by Salesforce, whose aim is to show, in particular, how companies can safely and reliably take advantage of the full potential of AI.

Read Also: IST and companies use AI to predict marble colors and patterns (Portuguese version)

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