
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

Mexida no complemento solidário para idosos arranca em junho. O que muda?

This Tuesday, the decree-law that changes the criteria for granting the solidarity supplement for the elderly was published, eliminating the relevance of the children's income.

Mexida no complemento solidário para idosos arranca em junho. O que muda?
Notícias ao Minuto

09:01 - 21/05/24 por Notícias ao Minuto

Economia apoios

According to the document, the "decree-law comes into force on the day following its publication and produces effects from 1 June 2024".

What changes? 

With this diploma, the Government proceeds "to the change of the criteria for determining the resources of applicants for the supplementary solidarity benefit for the elderly (CSI), created by Decree-Law no. 232/2005, of December 29, definitely eliminating the relevance of the income of the children of the holders of the benefit for this purpose". 

"With this measure, it is ensured that only the income of the applicant and his/her spouse or the person who lives with him/her in a de facto union are considered for the determination of the resources of the applicant for this social benefit. In this way, an important result of social justice is achieved", it can be read.

This measure, it should be recalled, was approved by the Council of Ministers at the beginning of the month. 

According to the Government, the current universe of CSI beneficiaries "is around 140 thousand people" and among the approved measures is "a first, extraordinary increase of the CSI reference value by 50 euros, to 600 euros", from June this year.

The executive decided, on the other hand, "to increase to 100%, that is, to full co-payment for the acquisition by pensioners and retirees who are CSI beneficiaries of prescription drugs that are co-paid", a measure that, according to the aforementioned statement, "will come into force in the month following the conclusion of the consultation of the governing bodies of the autonomous regions that is already underway".

Read Also: CSI. Decree eliminating income of children as a criterion enacted (Portuguese version)

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