
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

Bottled LPG Prices Above Regulator's Estimate in April

The prices of bottled LPG (liquefied petroleum gas) were, in April, between 2.3% and 4.0% above the estimate of the Energy Services Regulatory Authority (ERSE), announced today by the regulator.

Bottled LPG Prices Above Regulator's Estimate in April
Notícias ao Minuto

13:33 - 21/05/24 por Lusa

Economia ERSE

According to the monthly report on the supervision of bottled LPG prices, it was found that "in the G26 propane bottle there was a difference of 4.0%, representing an announced price higher than the efficient price by 1.266 euros/bottle".

In turn, in the G110 propane bottle the difference is 2.3%, with an announced price higher than the efficient price by 2.560 euros per bottle.

In the G26 butane bottle there is a disparity of 3.1%, with the announced price being higher than the efficient price by 1.000 euros per bottle.

The efficient price corresponds to the average monthly value determined by ERSE, which takes into account components such as the price of LPG on international markets, primary logistics, the retail component and other items related to maritime freight.

The announced price, in turn, results from the average of the prices reported in the Single Energy Counter by operators with a turnover of more than 1,000 bottles per year.

In the document, the energy regulator stressed that, in the last month, there was a "decreasing trend in international propane and butane prices, representing an approximate decrease of 8.4% and 22.7% for propane and butane, respectively".

Regarding the last four months, ERSE notes that the announced prices have shown, "as a general rule, a positive deviation" compared to the efficient prices.

"However, considering the maximum margins, negative deviations were generally found in the various types of bottles", it notes.

According to ERSE, in the month of May, and already reflecting the downward trajectory in international market prices, the efficient prices are 29.65 euros for the G26 propane bottle, down 2.67% compared to April, 106.39 euros for the G110 propane bottle, a decrease of 3.11%, and 29.23 euros for the G26 butane bottle, which represents a decrease of 7.07%.

Read Also: Fuel consumption down 0.1% in February (Portuguese version)

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