
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

Inter-island flights in Cape Verde with better performance than a year ago

Cabo Verde transported more passengers between islands in the months of March and April this year, with the state airline, than in the same period of 2023, with the concessioned service, the Government announced today.

Inter-island flights in Cape Verde with better performance than a year ago
Notícias ao Minuto

16:02 - 21/05/24 por Lusa

Economia Cabo Verde

"After making an assessment of the months of March and April, it was found that over 40 thousand passengers were transported on domestic flights, with an average of 78 weekly flights, numbers that surpass the performance of the same period last year", stated Carlos Santos, in parliament, on the first day of the May parliamentary session, which will run until Friday.

The minister recalled that, with the end of operations of the Angolan company Bestfly, which had the concession for Cabo Verde Interilhas Transportes (TICV) since 2021, the Government "assumed its responsibilities and temporarily had Cabo Verde Airlines (TACV) intervene in domestic operations, preventing any disruption".

The numbers were released in a context of criticism from the opposition about the situation of inter-island transport.

Démis Almeida, a deputy from the African Party for the Independence of Cabo Verde (PAICV, opposition), stated that the situation of inter-island air transport "continues to be chaotic" due to cancellations and rescheduling of flights and requested the accounts of TACV's intervention in the domestic market.

João Santos Luís, president of the Independent Democratic Cabo Verdean Union (UCID, third parliamentary party), considered that air connections continue to be "without direction", hindering the development of tourism.

The Government has already acknowledged that there continues to be instability in inter-island connections due to a lack of aircraft -- TACV has rented two aircraft and is forced to make cancellations and reschedules whenever there is a breakdown or maintenance -- and the prime minister promised to resolve the problem by the end of the year.

Ulisses Correia e Silva announced last week the creation of a new airline, 100% state-owned, dedicated only to domestic flights, with more aircraft, adapted to each island.

See Also: Visas for Portugal? Reports help in investigation, says PGR (Portuguese version)

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