
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

Novabase shareholders approved a dividend of 1.79 euros

Novabase shareholders approved today, in a general meeting (GM), a dividend of 1.79 euros per share, for a total of approximately 47.4 million euros, as indicated in a statement published by the Portuguese Securities Market Commission (CMVM).

Novabase shareholders approved a dividend of 1.79 euros
Notícias ao Minuto

17:39 - 22/05/24 por Lusa

Economia Novabase

In the note, the technology company announced that the shareholders approved the proposal for the application of results for 2023 and for the "distribution of profits and free reserves in cash", with the option for shareholders, "to attribute, alternatively, shares of the same category to be issued by the company for this purpose".

According to Novabase, the proposal provides for the allocation of 37.4 million euros (1.41 euros per share) from last year's net income and approximately 10 million euros from the carried-over results, totaling 47.4 million euros and generating a total gross dividend per share of 1.79 euros.

The Novabase Shareholders' Meeting also approved an increase in the share capital from the current amount of 795,829.11 euros to an amount of up to 1,142,186.67 euros "through the issuance of up to 11,545,252 new ordinary shares, to be subscribed and paid for by shareholders who choose to receive new shares".

The company's corporate bodies were also elected for the 2024-2026 term, with a Board of Directors led by Luís Salvado. The members to be voted on are Álvaro Ferreira, Francisco Antunes, Maria del Cármen Marín, José Sousa, Pedro Miguel Carvalho, Benito Blanco, Madalena Perestrelo de Oliveira, and Rita Rosado.

At the general meeting, the shareholders voted favorably on the 2023 financial statements and the election of the members of the general meeting's board for the three-year period 2024-2026.

The compensation committee was also elected (and its remuneration approved), the statutory auditor was elected, and the acquisition and disposal of treasury shares was approved.

Read Also: Novabase shareholders vote on capital increase depending on dividends (Portuguese version)

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