
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

Transport price hike in Luanda forces long walks

Citizens and students complained today that the rise in public transport fares in Luanda is forcing them to walk long distances to save the 150 kwanzas for the bus fare.

Transport price hike in Luanda forces long walks
Notícias ao Minuto

18:19 - 22/05/24 por Lusa

Economia Angola

Since last week, public transportation prices in Luanda have increased, going up to 150 kwanzas (16 cents) for buses, a 200% increase compared to the previous price, and 200 kwanzas (22 cents) for private taxis, known as "azuis e brancos", which increased 33% compared to the old fare.
The increases are contested by students and citizens who voiced their discontent to Lusa, with some asking for divine intervention to "enlighten" decision-makers, leading them to back down on a measure that "further penalizes citizens, especially those with low income", who are already facing a difficult socioeconomic situation. In Largo das Escolas, one of the largest public bus terminals in the Angolan capital, António Nunes, 43, an electrician, contested the new transportation fare, particularly that of buses. "These prices are negative for me, I didn't like it, it should have stayed at 50 kwanzas (5 cents), because buses are public transportation", he said, expressing "weariness and annoyance" with the situation in the country, while walking to save the kwanzas he had in his pocket. "Only God, the President [of the Republic] we have is only God, that's what's causing [among young people] so many robberies in the country", reported the electrician, who has been surviving on odd jobs for three months due to lack of employment, mentioning that he previously spent 3,000 kwanzas (3.2 euros) per month on public transportation and is unable to triple his expenses. The calmer atmosphere, with more buses and fewer passengers, seen today in Largo das Escolas and other public transportation terminals, contrasts with the large crowds and endless lines of the past, seeming to confirm the "escape" from the new fare. "In fact, it's really being difficult and today we prefer to walk a long distance just to save the 150 kwanzas and then further ahead take transportation home", said student José Macaya, considering the taxi increase a "pity". Without the student social pass, a measure implemented by the authorities that allows 60 free trips from school to home and vice-versa, Deodato Pedro said that his school was not registered for the insertion of the "Gira Mais" pass, regretting the current transportation prices. "The price itself is wrong, they shouldn't have done that, what they did is not the right thing. Knowing that the country is already in a very difficult phase, raising the taxi price even more is complicated", said the 10th grade student, leaving a physical education class. António Silva, 21, a student at Escola Juventude in Luanda, said that many students are missing classes because they don't have the resources to support the new public transportation prices, mentioning examples of colleagues who live in Viana. "Before, they only spent 100 kwanzas round trip [to Largo das Escolas, 18 kilometers] and now they can't and sometimes they don't come to school and miss classes", he lamented. Wearing a white coat and carrying a parasol to protect herself from the sun, Marta Pedro, 17, a student at Escola Ngola Kiluanje, said she is waiting for the student pass, mentioning that the new taxi fare has "complicated" the lives of students and workers. "The situation is very difficult, I don't have a pass, but the process is underway", said the 11th grade student, stating that the school will take care of the document. The situation in the country "is no longer good and they [the authorities] simply came to disrupt what was already bad, transportation prices went up, which is bad", said Eugénia Morais, 18, also studying at Ngola Kiluanje, expressing "annoyance" with the measure. Read Also: UNITA denounces attacks and warns of political violence and crime (Portuguese version)

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