
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

Valorsul regrets lack of "agreement", but will "move forward with 3.5% increase"

In addition, this month will also see the implementation of "an increase in the food subsidy to 9.6 euros for all workers, which is equivalent to a monthly increase of 25 euros".

Valorsul regrets lack of "agreement", but will "move forward with 3.5% increase"
Notícias ao Minuto

11:03 - 23/05/24 por Notícias ao Minuto

Economia Valorsul

Valorsul will proceed with salary increases for all its workers, which will have retroactive effects since January.

The company reveals that it decided to "proceed with a 3.5% increase, and in 2023 the salary increase was set at 4.7%", according to a statement to which Notícias ao Minuto had access.

In addition, this month "an increase in the food allowance to 9.6 euros for all workers will be implemented, which is equivalent to a monthly increase of 25 euros".

"In total, these adjustments result, on average, in an increase of 92 euros in the average monthly gross salary of workers", clarifies the note, highlighting the "significant effort" to "find a balance between the benefits granted and the economic and financial sustainability of the company".

Regarding the demand for a reduction in working hours to 35 hours per week, Valorsul stresses that "it presented a model that it believes meets the aspirations of workers" for a better quality of life between personal and professional life and "without compromising the company's productivity".

Following the strike that has been ongoing since Wednesday, May 22, the company - which treats and recovers urban solid waste from the municipalities of Amadora, Lisbon, Loures, Odivelas and Vila Franca de Xira - clarified that "it was not possible to reach an agreement with the Trade Union Commission", although the administration always sought to "maintain a policy of dialogue" and listen to the "concerns and suggestions" of the workers.

In this sense, the company emphasizes that it will continue "open to dialogue" with the aim of "finding the best solution for all".

It should be recalled that Valorsul workers have been on strike since Wednesday and until Sunday, May 26, to demand salary improvements and a reduction in working hours.

Read Also: Valorsul workers on strike between May 22 and 26 (Portuguese version)

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