
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

Farmers demand concrete measures to increase production prices

The National Confederation of Agriculture (CNA) today requested concrete measures to enhance production prices and welcomed the decision to declare 2026 as the year of the woman farmer.

Farmers demand concrete measures to increase production prices
Notícias ao Minuto

16:05 - 23/05/24 por Lusa

Economia Agricultura

"CNA, as always, will fight so that the recognition by the UN [United Nations] translates into concrete policies to value production prices and the development of the rural world", it indicated, in a statement.

This confederation thus demanded the full implementation of the Statute of Family Farming, which it defended as essential to "guarantee the dignity" of women farmers and for the development of the sector.

The UN decided to declare 2026 as the international year of women farmers, a decision that CNA welcomed, but asked the Government to adopt policies that value the role of women in the sector.

As it stressed, territorial development policies do not take into account the needs of the rural world, which translates into a lack of investment in areas such as agriculture, but also health, education and transport.

Added to this is the "progressive closure" of public services, making these areas increasingly isolated.

"In their work, women farmers who feed the population are harmed by marketing difficulties and low production prices, in a country where the trade in agri-food products is dominated by large distribution chains", it stressed.

As far as agricultural policy is concerned, CNA said that there are no specific measures that take into account the "difficulties and needs of women farmers and rural women and their families, nor that contribute to gender equality, to combating depopulation and desertification of rural areas or that promote the employment of rural women".

For CNA, what is at stake are "simple measures" such as increasing support within the framework of family farming.

The confederation also noted that the discounts for women farmers for Social Security are often "relegated to the background" due to the financial difficulties of families.

In this sense, it called for the creation of a system adapted to the reality of women farmers and rural women, allowing them to leave "deeply precarious life situations".

Read Also: Farmers ask for "a cloth over" notifications to those who cut roads (Portuguese version)

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