
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

Media Capital Shareholders Ratify Co-optation of Directors

Media Capital shareholders ratified today, in a general meeting (GM), the co-option of directors for the company, as well as the proposal for application of results, according to a statement published by the Securities Market Commission (CMVM).

Media Capital Shareholders Ratify Co-optation of Directors
Notícias ao Minuto

19:31 - 23/05/24 por Lusa

Economia Media Capital

Thus, the "co-optation of the members of the Board of Directors, Alfredo José Machado Alves Pereira and José Nuno Martins Santana, as non-executive members of the Board of Directors in the current term, 2023-2025" was ratified.

In the case of Alfredo José Machado Alves Pereira, his appointment as a member of the Compensation Committee of the Corporate Bodies was approved, "following the resignation submitted by Rui Armindo da Costa Freitas", highlighted Media Capital.

The holders of the group's bonds also approved the proposal for the application of the results of the 2023 financial year, which involves the transfer of the net result to legal reserve, in the amount of 196,621.32 euros, corresponding to 5%, and to free reserves in the amount of 3,735,804.98 euros.

The AG also approved the documents relating to the 2023 results and gave "a vote of praise and confidence to the activity carried out by the management and supervisory bodies".

Read Also: Media Capital goes from losses to a profit of 319 thousand euros in 2023 (Portuguese version)

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